This is Keera, she's an 18 month old Saluki Cross Bitch, her current owners have asked for her to be surrendered to GAL due to house training issues, we beleive she's actually got some medical problems that need to be dealt with urgently. We'll be unable to get her to a vet for a proper check up until she goes into a GAL foster home. Keera is good with other dogs and is currently living with another small dog however she can sometimes be unpredictable round strange dogs when outside. She's good with kids and is WORKABLE around cats. If anyone can offer a temporary foster home for this little girl please email me - - I'll point out now that the picture below wasn't just 'one of those moments' Keera has a badly deformed jaw which gives her this 'interesting' look...
I would take her in a mo - but I'm still working on my problem peeing cases Trei and Cleo - ( but as they are my dogs now - I adopted them warts an all am working on it - am making great progress. They can pee all,over my flat - they are not going anywhere - they are here for good!
Charles, my sentiments exactly, but have you tried the mopping up with kitchen roll and placing it outside, the dogs v quickly get the gen idea. Carole Robinson, gave me this tip and it worked wonders on Billy, who despite being a hopeless poor guy, was more or less 'house trained' within the week!
Good Luck, we love our babies no matter what they do!
I know Dave won't stoop to emotional blackmail to try and encourage people to foster but I have no problem using it whatsoever as I'm sure many of you can testify.
Keera has a couple of what may seem like HUGE problems with the peeing and the separation anxiety. Firstly she needs to see a vet for a check up, her urinary incontinence like Dave says appears to be due to a medical rather than a behavioural problem. There are treatments which can work brilliantly for incontinence (one of my girls suffers from it and we don't have any accidents at all). As for the SA, GAL have the best folk for helping/advising you how to help Keera overcome her distress and anxiety when left.
Keera's current owner has threatened to return her to the Scottish SPCA at Bothwell Bridge, where they originally adopted her from. A dog who has been returned for being incontinent and suffering from separation anxiety will be deemed as unhomeable and we all know what will happen to her then.
Now take a look at her photograph again and tell me you can't help this wee girl. Can't is just a four letter word and believe me you really will be saving a life.
Things are getting quite serious for Keera and the bottom line is she needs moved into a foster home by THIS Sunday (23rd)
GAL have now been trying for 2 months to find a foster home for her but due to her problems and also a spate of Greyhounds we had to remove from trainers as they were going to be PTS we haven't been able to do this yet. Dogs in danger always have to take priority.
I'm afraid Keera has now just joined the 'in danger' list.
Even if you can offer a temporary respite for her while we assess her behavioural problems that would be an incredible help at this juncture.
Folks, thanks for all the enquiries about Keera, just a quick post to say her current owners have now decided to keep her and try to tackle her behavioural issues themselves. Fingers crossed everyone...
Kiera has now been to the vets and everything so far is going well, though further test are planed over the next few weeks. She has settled a bit, though her problems are still there. Thought I would let everyone know how she was getting on and to thank everyone for their kind thoughts about her, and will keep will keep eveyone informed on her progress.
What a lovely picture, glad to hear Keera is making some progress and I am sure all the love and support you are giving her will help her overcome her issues. Look forward to hearing all about her progress.