We've fostered Blue as I couldn't bear to think of him being so timid and in kennels, and he can be a friend for Ruby until he finds his forever home.
He's being renamed Bob as we often call Ruby, Ruby-doo so she is answering to Blue (which is more than he is!)
We've had him since Monday night, and he's settling in really quickly, no accidents and sleeps all night! He's very nervous of strangers, but with the help of hot dogs and Ruby showing him the ropes he knows we are his temporary mum & dad now, so he comes over for lots of cuddles. He's definately shaping up to be a daddy's boy and he nosed Mur in the behind this morning when he stopped cuddling him and turned to walk away!
He is very well behaved, but this is likely to be just because he's not confident enough to be up to mischief.
The picture on the GAL website is a good likeness of him - he really is that georgous! I'll try and get some pictures soon - his ears are mega cute and he has a huge grin and really long tongue!
I'll be bringing him along to the walk @ Strathclyde Park (weather permitting). It's not likely he'll say hello to any people, but he should enjoy seeing the other hounds!
Well done for fostering Bob (glad you changed the name lots of Blues around wish we had changed our Blue's name!)
He looks stunning on the web site and I bet him and Ruby look beautiful together. It makes you wonder what the poor sole has been through to make him so scared of everything. What ever it was I'm sure he will blossom with all the tlc you are giving him and with Ruby to help.
I'm delighted that you have fostered the lovely Blue. John & I saw him at the kennels, and I must say he is the most stunning greyhound I have ever seen, but I had never seen a dog so timid before. He sounds as if he's coming out of his shell with you already, which is great! Hope to catch up with you at the Strathie walk.
Great news that you're fostering Bob! He looks absolutely gorgeous although terrified of everything. But it sounds as if he's realising already that nobody will harm him again. And Ruby will be delighted to show him the ropes.
Drat - I don't think we'll be at the walk this Sunday as Billy's working, but hope to see you all at another event if we don't make it.
how lovely to hear Bob is doing well with you. it would be a shame to have brought him so far out of his shell only to have him leave you and Ruby !!!! could this be a forever home for Bob?
Well, Bob went to Strathclyde Park on Sunday and met lots of people! I can hardly believe this is the same dog who wouldn't come out of his kennel a week ago. He's still a bit nervous but did let various folk say hello and pet him.
Afterwards we went to friends where he behaved really well with new people and their dog, then onto his gran's for the first time.
That was a bit weird as his gran massaged all his acupuncture points on his head/neck/back (she's a doctor of western acupuncture), and Bob just stood acceptingly for 5 mins while this went on, then he followed her about for the rest of the visit! Apparently acupuncture can be used on dogs for specific treatment as well.
Both dogs had a pigs ear when they got home, then flaked out after so much excitement! I've got some photo's, but not had time to get them off the camera, I'll try and post them tonight.
Just what I was wondering. My mum, on walking Fiddie noticed that he is stiff in his front, right shoulder and that he would benefit from physiotherapy or acupuncture. (Fiddie has an old racing injury, hence the stiffness).
I think that physiontherapy or acupuncture would be an excellent idea and certainly a more holistic approach, as opposed to slicing and dicing and use of medicines - does anyone have any thoughts?
Looked up the internet and there is The Veterinary Physiotherapist Clinic by Dunlop in East Ayrshire (near Kilmarnock). The address given is that of lara@animalphysioscotland.freeserve.co.uk
Contact numbers are as follows: 01560-480169 and 07801 827214.
I have sent an e-mail, so I will see if the Clinic is still live and indeed if I receive a response. Keep you informed.
I've asked my mother-in-law if she'd like to do dogs and she's having a think about it.
She has done her own and friends dogs previously so no probs there, but the premises she rents at the moment wouldn't let dogs in. She's considering doing it from home (Paisley)
What do you think is a fair price for dog treatment? (It's £23 for people)
She says acupuncture on dogs (and horses) is generally more successful than on people as people can "resist" treatment if they don't believe. She has a laser as an alternative to needles so should be fairly stress free for the dogs.
I've started a new post under health matters for the acupuncture stuff - if anyone wants the telephone number just pm me for it.
Cats - no idea - would anyone like to volunteer one for testing? I've got a water pistol - it could be that he's cat safe as he ran away from a tiny dog!
Check out www.pettherapy.co.uk it's a new place opened in Glasgow. Saska went for acupuncture last Wednesday and she thoroughly enjoyed it.
First session is £40 and sessions thereafter are £35 if your dog is insured and you can get your vet to refer you then you should be able to claim through your insurance for the treatment received.
I was really impressed by the place and it's so easy to get to. Just off the M8 at Kinning Park.
We were planning to goto Australia - so only planned on having him as a foster, but our plans have changed, so he's staying!
We were also really surprised at how much Ruby missed him when he was in the vet for the day(getting his pockets picked). When we got home she was happier to see him than to see us.
Congratulations Bob on finding your forever home I'm sure Ruby is just as delighted that she has someone to keep her company . Here's to lots of happy times in the future