tsk tsk Suzanne - cant send in photos without a story to boot!! Or how about a lovely poem?? Im sure Dave would be willing to publish a wee poem section in the book too.....
They say owners look like their dogs...Im still waiting to morph into a super fit, lean machine with legs up to my armpits...
ah ye know Suzanne is back in town by the number of questions I get asked on here.....realistically I'm looking at the end of this year to get enough material to put together then I want to spend a month or so pulling it together. There will be pictures but I want to hold of on them till the book is all together.
At this point I'l accept ANYTHING for inclusion, short stories, poems or whole chapters....
Hi Folks, well as there's been a few new members to the forum recently I thought I'd 'bump' this post up a wee bit. I've had a slow response so far so this is just another appeal for any budding writers out there!!! Actually thats wrong, I don't care if you can write or not, it's your stories I'm after! If you have a nice hound tale to tell get it down and send it to me!!!
Hi Suz, nope, I'll only stop accepting entries from people when I have enough for the book, at the mo I have 5 stories written by you guys, an introduction from Denise and a couple of stories I've written myself, still not even half way there yet!!...
OK, picture the scene, fed up with presents, kids, turkey, the rain and the boring old telly showing re-runs of the Two Ronnies....get some paper and a pencil and put your crimbo holidays to some good use!!!....Go on you know you want to....
Mmmm when I go on and on about Sunny at work i see peoples eyes glaze over (none of them dog owners) would worry what I wrote was only interesting to me.
Are you looking for stuff like how i had my black lab for 14 years but she never had the effect on me that Sunny has had in 3 months sort of stuff? Or about the time Sunny took herself into the local co-op and then onto the police station flower beds!!!!!
Plus it might be a while was ment to finish my Business Management course last week got an angry tutor breathing down my neck
Great idea though I'll buy lots of copies for all my friends and family.
Greyhounds are like chocolates, one is just never enough.
Are you looking for stuff like how i had my black lab for 14 years but she never had the effect on me that Sunny has had in 3 months sort of stuff? Or about the time Sunny took herself into the local co-op and then onto the police station flower beds!!!!!
Siouxsie just alerted me to the book after reading my piece in the introductions forum. Clearly it's too close to the end of the year for me to even possibly have something ready by the deadline Dave mentioned earlier in the year.
But I'll see what I can contribute. I'd already had little snippets I'd been writing to this forum in my head and never got to writing down and I had begun to think of starting a blog for Daz. If I write in there then it will be possible just to have it all in one place and easy to link to and perhaps it will help me get the stories down properly. Not that he's been with us that long of course.
Folks, just to say there is NO deadline for submissions for the book, I sort of mentioned the end of this year in my initial post but I'm far from having enough material, basically the deadline will be met when I've enough to go in the book!!!!...
Hey guys, I stumbled across this thread by accident (as one does), but if you need a hand with anything, give me a shout. My degree is in Publishing, and I've got some pretty decent writing, digital art, page setting, proof reading and copy editing skills, plus a pretty powerful Mac with the latest versions of Quark and Adobe CS2 loaded onto it.
I know I haven't had my Greyhound long, but I could probably turn out a chapter on him too if need be - I assume 20 chapters was mentioned on the basis that most popular paperbacks are around the 60k word mark, meaning only about 3k words per chapter?
Hey guys, I stumbled across this thread by accident (as one does), but if you need a hand with anything, give me a shout. My degree is in Publishing, and I've got some pretty decent writing, digital art, page setting, proof reading and copy editing skills, plus a pretty powerful Mac with the latest versions of Quark and Adobe CS2 loaded onto it. I know I haven't had my Greyhound long, but I could probably turn out a chapter on him too if need be - I assume 20 chapters was mentioned on the basis that most popular paperbacks are around the 60k word mark, meaning only about 3k words per chapter?
OHH! someone 'in the business'....I may very well be knocking on your door very soon! To be honest the 20 chapters was just a finger in the air type amount, I really just wanted to initially get as much material as possible then see where that got me. I was imagining re-writes and editing would need to take plave but as I say this is vary much a lets see what we get kinda idea. I have to say I'm quite pleased folk DO seem to be intersted in the book as this thread keeps popping up from time to time!!
Anyways I will most defo be in touch!! and everyone else keep writing!!
I don't know if this would be of interest but I came across it on another forum I belong to (digital arts, not dogs).
CafePress.com enables individuals, organizations, and companies to create and sell a wide variety of products online with zero upfront costs. We provide all the necessary tools and services for you to design your own products and build an online shop without investing in any inventory or software! This includes books!
ah, this old thread, thought I'd resurrect this from the bowels of, erm, page 2....If anyone has the time to contribute something to the book please please let me know, I'd love to get this one of the ground at some point this year email me if you need more info or inspiration...go on, doesn't matter if you can't write, get your idea down and I'll do the rest!!...
thanks for the bump.......we've had a lot of new members joined the forum recently so hopefully there's a few budding writers out there or this book is goany be a really dull one about me walking my old boy Eddie, then me walking my old girl Lucy, then me walking my old boy Eddie, then me walking Eddie and Lucy, and then the time I walked Eddie, oh yeah and the amusing story of me walking Lucy...etc..etc......