we took taylor to the caledonian thistle pedegree whippet racing clubs fun day which is open to any dog shows and fun runs trophies and rosettes gallore,we got told by a friend to bring her give her a fun day and enter her into a few categories of dog show, so she was in the any hound dog or bitch over 25 inches and low and behold she won second the bigger dog grey came first i was smiling bigtime, yes my babies got her first rossete then she was in the any pet bitch and she won 1st prize another rossete sorry to say but my competitive streak was out.the second judge got quizzed by my son he said he chose her coz that`s wot his son would have chosen plus her coat was well shiny looking,so a good day was had by all and our baby won a few prizes, we r very proud of our taylor .shes pegged out now . she wouldn`t settle down at all she lay for bout 5 mins then she was up again and when she saw the racing bit well she wanted a piece of the action she ran on her own then she was put with another grey and the other owner cheated slipped off leash early and of course poor taylor couldnt catch her but i reckon if it was fair race she would have won not that im biased or anything.
I went to that show last year with Luca because I heard that there were lurchers there and I wanted to see some more. I didn't appreciate at the time though, that they actually raced dogs there, but when I did, I left. I really don't think that we should be participating in things like that and helping to keep the racing industry going. Sorry if that causes offence, but it's the way I see it.
carol she wasnt racing as in the industry racing, it was a fun run she saw wot was used as the hare and it was a case of she wanted she wasnt doing anything that she didnt want to do yes there were some racing greys there but it was in the spirit of fun not a actual greyhound race as like shawfield there were beagles and other dogs the money used helps dogs who r not as fortunate as ours get a better life thats the way i saw it there was no abuse and if there was i wouldnt have done it but it was fun for all dogs she enjoyed it thats the main thing and wots the difference anyways she gets a run in the footie field to get a stretch this was her getting her stretch in another way
at the risk of starting a barney, which I don't want to do....
Yes indeed you may have thought that it was all just a bit of fun today. In fact, there are 1000s of people worldwide who believe that dog racing is 'just a bit of fun'.
It is exactly for this reason that the dog racing industry exists. If fewer people saw it as a laugh or a something that comes naturally to the dog, then there would be no call for tracks and racing at all. We all agree that greys and whippets do love to run, so why not just let them do that? Let them run freely and for the whole of their lives as pets; not on a track, for money, where at the end of the day they will be seen as a commodity and disposed of when the money stops rolling in.
You have to remember that it is this sort of 'fun' that leads to 1000s of dogs being handed over to rescues when they are no longer useful, and that's just the lucky ones, Anna.
When GAL adopt a dog all owners have to sign an adoption form stating they will not use their dog for racing or hunting. The reasons behind this is that it's our opinion that ''Greyhounds make great pets'' with the emphasis on PETS. The life of a racing Greyhound is not a pleasant one, it's worth reminding everyone here that they are owners of the lucky few that have 'survived'.
They have survived the 'puppy selection' process where some or most of their littermates were probably killed at birth. They have survived the 'schooling' process by running fast enough for their owners. They have survived life in terrible kennels, some of them only knowing the inside of an unheated garden shed for the first 4 years of their lifes. And finally they have survived the track, racing for the amusement of betting public round tracks that are not safe and in most cases unregulated and devoid of a vet presence.
GAL have homed hundreds of dogs traumatised by their life as a racing Greyhound albeit due to racing accidents or as a side effect from the 'unusual' training methods used on them. It's just not fair to put them through that again once they get their bums on our sofas.
i see wot ur sayin im new to all this lark and yes my nievity shot thru im just learning i just saw it as fun but i get wot u mean by the racing curcuit lark it was a straight track as such.
my knuckles r well and truly rattled i apologies for any offence but im learning ive never had a dog never mind a grey so apologies most sincerely ive learned a leason but if no one told me then how was i to know anything like that for gal dogs.as i didnt get taylor from gal so rules and regs plz then i wont do it again.
I hope that you haven't been offended or upset by what has been said here tonight. I appreciate that you're new to all of this, but hey, we've all gotta start learning somewhere!! If somebody doesn't tell you things, as you say, you never learn.
Lots (but not all) of us have dogs who have been affected in some way by racing so I guess that many of us feel quite passionately about it. It's not a life that I would wish on any poor animal.
Anyway, I am pleased that Taylor got her rosettes in the dog-show part of the day and I'm sure she did you proud. Please, please remember next time to stick to the classes, not the races.
Carol, Anna and Dave. I've been reading this section with interest. Personally I don't see a problem in Taylor having a "fun" run, if that is what it was. My 2 have runs around the garden all day and love it and some times they "race" each other in the park when I walk them and let them off the lead. I do think that it is the commercial exploitation of the dogs that leads to the abuse by (not all) owners and trainers. I feel that GAL owners understand this and providing that it is only for fun (for the dogs, that is, not the owners and onlookers) then it is OK.
Alan, Lulu and Douglas's Dad or am I Lulu's dad and Douglas's grandad?
Our Missy and our Lurcher were running circuits on Lunan Beach when we were on holiday and thoughly enjoyed themselves (also knackered them for the rest of the evening). They had the chance to run circuits around me and Ian nearly every day of the holiday. You don't need a race track for them to run in circles !
When I first joined the forum, I had views along the lines of, "I'd love to see Greyhound racing, if I knew that the dogs were well treated". Which I think is the jist of a lot of these comments - lets face it, seeing a Grey in full-flight is just jaw dropping.
As I've got more involved with GAL, though I now have started to see a bit more of the what is actually involved with Greyhound Racing, and believe me, people like Dave have seen more than most of us can even imagine.
Most of us have competetive dogs, who will race anything that's stupid enough to accept the challenge (with Blue that's usually me). There does come a point when it's not so much for the enjoyment of the dog, and more for the enjoyment of the owner and those watching.
What I'm trying to say is that whilst none of us want to see a dog hurt, when they're pushing themselves as hard as they can, they inevitably do run into something. And they push themselves much harder if they're doing it for our benefit. Half organised races, with spectators milling around sound like a recipie for collision.
Please, enjoy watching your dogs run, but make sure it's just for their fun, not yours.
Right, I shall now dismount my very high hooooooorrrrrrssssseee.....
well this has opened a good debate if u like,i meant her run as in fun no money changed hand like bets etc, it was just wot she wanted there was no abuse some of the owners wanted to race there whippets as they r planning to race them well thats their business not mine its their dog.she went bonkers at the sight of the sack used as a hare.she loved it,i dont agree with the abuse that is suffered at the hand of owners i wold love to treat them they way they treat their dogs see how they like it.as i said it was a fun day she came to no harm i wouldnt have done it. she runs round the footie park playing tig with me and hubby she has a blast,but i dont think ull end this grey hound racing industry if it was outlawed as they say then it would just go underground illegal runs and betting as much as id to see it ended for the poor wee souls suffering.
Hi there, Ive just read all this and I do agree with Carol,but the other thing that worries me is the lure. What if the dog who is running free in the park thinks that a small dog or cat ect is just like the racing lure. You will never be able to recall a keen dog. I have Red (greyhound) as a pup and although he would still chase rabbits he does know the difference between that and the yorkie in the street. I think the lure excites and brings out the hunting dog instincts big time.
"she went bonkers at the sight of the sack used as a hare"
As owners of greys we work hard to undo all the "lure training" so that other people's pets are safe - I have spoken to several people who have both lost a pet to a greyhound or seen them kill a neighbour's cat, rabbit, yorkie. westies. It is a very traumatic experience and confirms the general public's belief that greys/lurchers/whippets are killers and do not make good pets. It is a wonderful sight to see a them running free, thundering past you at astonishing speeds - but not to chase a bait.
I'm not surprised that this has raised a few varying opinions and interesting points.
UCE, Well said, I think this point would really make many stop to think ....
UndercoverElephant wrote:
Please, enjoy watching your dogs run, but make sure it's just for their fun, not yours.
Its sad that it seemed to be a mock-up of a racing circuit by using a sack for lure. But obviously the people who organised this as a 'bit of fun' are so naive about the seriousness and the realities of greyhound racing
On the plus side at least it was a 'one off' event and not a regular occurance!!!
I think Anna now knows not to race her pooch even for fun and afterall she ONLY made a mistake and we ALL make mistakes !!!!!
Can we stop flogging Anna now ?
If you want to talk about race tracks please start a new thread.
I'm sure that she will be feeling bad enough after being ticked off without keeping the subject going and going ! (the ticking off should NOT have been on a public forum either)
As someone who is definitely still feeling her way with her first grey, and an infrequent poster, I found this thread a wee bit intimidating. "Respect" to Anna for coming back on and saying she'd taken on board all the points made.
well the racing of this club is every weekend on sundays.can i re-assure u all the taylor only gets off her lead in enclosed field like our local footie field in a skool and we always check its clear first before we let her off her lead. she doesnt bother with other dogs just rabbits.if we see a dog she gets keen on we tighten the lead by rolling in onto our hands or grabbing the end of the lead at her neck and say in a firm voice NO! so she cant get to the wee dogs,once shes past it shes back on her way.i dont feel intimaded by all said we r all entiled to our opinions whether good or bad,agree or disagree with anything that is said.im thick skinned.im not embarassed or humiliated either so thank u all who spoke up for me ive only had her 6 months shes looking gorgous even if i do say so myself.hope to see u all soon.
anna xxx
all points noted ive learned a valuble lesson.thank u all for teaching me
if no one told me then how was i to know anything like that for gal dogs.as i didnt get taylor from gal so rules and regs plz then i wont do it again.
Dear all,
I think you'll find that nobody intended to 'humiliate' or 'flog' Anna.
As you can see quite clearly from this quote, Anna did in fact ask for information to help her understanding.
I would have thought that those of you who have been involved with GAL for a while would know that we are involved in education. None of us take pleasure in knocking or embarrassing people and I take great umbrage in any suggestion that to do so was in any way intended!
Anna specifically asked for GAL rules and regulations, in other words the stance that GAL takes with regards to racing. She got the information she asked for.
Apart from re-homing dogs GAL's other aim is to educate people to the plight of the retired Greyhound, some of the volunteers who've been round the block a few times know only too well what goes on behind the scenes at race tracks and even worse what goes on behind closed doors at your local neighbourhood Greyhound Trainers house.
People come to GAL for a variety of reasons however they can be split into 3 categories, ones that come to us because they want a dog and have heard Greyhound make great pets, others come because they want a nice pet and have heard some stories about the racing industry, others come because they've heard how awfully Greyhounds are treated and simply want to help us.
In terms of trying to educate the folks in the first categorey it's not our aim to humiliate people however we do like to get our messages home and if anything comes over too strongly then so be it I'm not going to apologise for that, we're talking about he lives of dogs here afterall..
Anna, I guess sorry for hijacking your post with some GAL political rethoric but it's been done now and hopefully we've another few people convinced about the racing industry and it's dangers. Rosemary, it's never out intention to intimidate folks on the forum, we're here to help, it's just that the folks here that have 'been round the block' feel so strongly about these issues we can't contain ourselves when the opportunity arises (and thats not a bad thing I'm sure you'll agree)...
Been reading the posts with interest. I've got to say that I'm somewhat shocked. I know Anna, family and Taylor from SSPCA Bothwell. They are totally committed to Taylor and have her best interests at heart
I just want to say that Taylor is in a very loving home and enjoying life after being rehomed from SSPCA Bothwell. She is doing great!!! Been along to quite a few of the GAL Walks. We live in a very 'politically correct' age - It's never easy to adhere to a strict 'pc' code. I have got to say I might think twice about taking on a greyhound by some of the posts.
Lots of the SSPCA and GAL prospective owners are unsure and are prepared to overcome their fears and doubts to rehome a hound. Most look for considerd help and advise. Yes - many get it wrong or are not 'pc' but the homeless hound finds a good home
We need to strike a balance! Otherwise we risk putting people off taking on a hound.
Please remember this is a public forum! I steer many people towards it if they are thinking of homing a hound!!!! It's hard enough as it is without lots of 'pc' stuff
before people sound off I've had loads of 'pc' stuff about my private life - it's ok - no problem etc etc with us - I've learned the hard way- words are easy - Action is difficult
My point exactly only you are more articulate than me.
Before we decided to rehome Missy I checked the forum and the Gal website prior to contacting GAL, we need people to rehome dogs and not frighten them off with the forum before they initiate the contact.
Some of us are NOT as thicked skinned and would / could be upset or worse still, put off the idea of rehoming a dog or two.
I'm all for the education of people with regards to the greys... but done in the right way.
Ok guys, I have read this thread with interest, and have not commented despite feeling empathy for both points of view, but I think we have all got the message!
In the BEST interest of the GAL and more importantly the DOGS, can EVERYONE let sleeping dogs lie and assume this is the last said on the matter. Please
OK Folks, I think this one has run long enough, i've never had to close a post on the forum before but I'm going to close this one and for what it's worth that means I do get the last word.
Volunteering for GAL is the single hardest thing I do in my life and in my position I see and hear things of a daily basis that would make you all think we live in an awfully cruel world, I'll go even further and say I see and hear things that would make you want to throw up. I'll stop there because there is a line which GAL tread uppon very carefully. The aftermath of Greyhound racing in Scotland is not a pretty sight.
If anyone wants to hear some more information I'm happy to discuss offline but most of the stories I can tell are not fit to be published on a friendly public forum such as this.
It's because of this that I feel so very strongly about the plight of the retired Greyhound, have a look at the hound sitting next to you and spare a thought for it's unluckier siblings.
Perhaps myself and few of the other volunteers who have shared some of these experiences are a little 'battle hardened' and let our feeling go now and then, I really don't think thats such a bad thing.