After all you've been through together,Lesley, that's just the best news. Here's to lots of happy times together with Sim and Suzie and of course you and Jerry in the future.
Congratulations on deciding to keep Skipper. He sounds like a lovely dog and it is so much easier when he gets on so well with your other two. CONGRATULATIONS. Nora
What fantastic news, after all you have been through together it wonderful that he has his forever home with you all. Heres to the future and many fun filled, loving years ahead.
That's great news for you and Skipper! After all the work you've done with him and all you've been through together, I'm not really surprised. Congratulations to you all!
. . . . . we are coping with his behaviour and will continue to do so.
Famous last words: sadly we have been forced to rethink our decision to adopt Skipper
Last Thursday morning Skipper attacked Lucy, one of our old cats. Skipper was not muzzled as he had appeared to be making good progress with the cats: he had met Lucy several times, and only the previous day she had twice wandered through the hall past Skipper in his bed and he did nothing at all, which we were delighted about at the time.
I think he had been doing his best to do what we wanted of him, but finally couldn't control himself any longer. To make matters worse - Suzie (normally totally safe with the cats) had joined in.
Amazingly Lucy is expected to make a full recovery - she suffered 'only' two cracked ribs and some nerve/muscle damage to one hind leg which is now working fully once more.
However - unfortunately the incident has rekindled Skipper's interest in the cats and that, combined with Lucy's infirmity, makes for a tense situation. When I am tense I get cross and that's not fair on Skipper cos we know it's not his fault.
Even if we were to consider keeping him muzzled, we now know that Suzie would join in if a situation were to develop.
So - we have struggled with what to do - but have finally, reluctantly, and very sadly, come to the conclusion that we are not the ideal home for Skipper.
So - for anyone considering making a space for a wee one, Skipper is:
housetrained friendly and affectionate great with other dogs (care needed around small ones) not too large (31.5kg) - so will fit nicely in a car with another dog travels well not possessive over food walks very well on the lead likes to carry soft things around (including socks, gloves and slippers ) loves having his head rubbed
also - because we did intend to keep him - he is micro-chipped and inoculated
Skipper is a really lovely boy. We have been through a lot with him, he is part of our family, and we will miss him very much.
What a shame about Skipper. Training to tolerate cats is difficult.
Vernon was extremely keen when he first saw Jasper so it wasn't easy, (in fact I would guess on first impressions most people would have said he could never live with a cat) but with a few days consistent work he was tolerant.
I was on his back 24 -7 and it was extremely stressful as I was always on alert but it paid off in the end and now Jasper dashes past him and he doesn't flinch.
My cat is an indoor cat which makes it easier as he is constantly around and part of the pack as it were.
I wouldn't leave them in the same room if I'm not there though. Better safe than sorry.
At least you can feel happy that you tried for so long, gave him a safe foster home and would have kept skipper if you could.
Lesley, sorry to hear this, but myself and others will understand why you're taking the decision of not keeping him. Sometimes your head has to rule over your heart, as they say. You will miss him but at least you can be rest assured that he will go to a good home. Hope your cat is recovering well.
I hope Lucy makes a speedy recovery and regains her trust in Suzie quickly. What a tough decision to have to come to. You've worked so hard with Skipper and as you say, he's worked hard at supressing his instinct. However, it is instinct and I really don't think Skippers quality of life would be much at all if he had to be muzzled all the time.
Skipper is a gorgeous boy and i'm sure it won't be long before he is re-homed.
Dogs are not intelligent: never trust any animal that is suprised by its own farts!
So sorry to hear about Skipper and Lucy. As you will remember we had a similar situation with Jamie and Smudge..although Smudge wasn't injured,he just disappeared for a week. Jamie is fine with Smudge in the house,in fact he totally ignores him,but we would not run the risk of leaving them in the same room. We are also very vigilant when letting the dogs out the back in case Smudge is around.
However, as you say it isn't fair on either Lucy or Skipper and I know you will not have reached this decision lightly.I'm sure Skipper will find a great home and you can be proud that you saw him through a very difficult time in his life.
How terribly upsetting for you all. You can at least pat your self on the back for having done so much for Skipper and it will be better all round to re-home him. Hope Lucy makes a speedy recovery and things settle down. All the best . Nora
Shirley - I do remember your incident with Smudge - he and Lucy were both very lucky.
We always knew that the garden would be the trickiest hurdle to overcome, but this happened in the kitchen: the room in which Skipper had met Lucy safely several times previously.
lesley, how very disappointing for you, on many levels. i sincerely hope lucy will recover ok.
as for skipper, just look how much you've done for him!! so much more than most people. he will, no doubt, find his forever home in a suitable environment because of you.
you've have done your very best, you should be proud. as for dogs & cats..... these things will happen.
please don't fret.....easy to say, hard to put into practice. you all have my love & sympathy.
So sorry this happened to poor Lucy! I do hope she's OK.
After all you and Skipper have been through, I can only imagine how you must feel. Skipper will get a great home through GAL and you will miss him dreadfully, but at least you know you've done the best you could for him. I know it's a really tough decision to make, but I think in the circumstances, you have made the right one for Skipper - and yourself!
I am happy to report that Skipper went to his new home this morning.
He met his new mum Sara and her family, including their one year old collie Nala, at the Hot Dog Show on Saturday. They met him very early in the day and were smitten by his good looks and nice manners.
It's great that Skipper will have another dog for company when he has been used to the company of Sim and Suzie, plus - the family used to have a greyhound from the Cat and Dog home at Cardonald - so they know a lot about them.
Sara's daughters and a friend won the Happiest Family category on Saturday and you can see their pic in one of the Hot Dog Show threads. If you look beyond them you will see Sara in the background standing holding Skipper.
Of course I miss him already - the house seems very quiet with only two dogs - but I hope we will meet up at events.
Delighted to hear this news. Sometimes you just never know what will happen when you attend an event with a dog needing a home!! Skipper looked so comfortable with the family on Saturday. I know it will be hard for you but suppose it must help that you had a good chance to chat with the family. I hope you see him at some point.
Very pleased for everyone that Skipper has found his new home. Well done to you for all your hard work with him and made him the dog he is today. I sure his new owners will carry on the good work , whay a lucky lad he is. Nora
Great news for Skipper! Fingers crossed he gets on well in his new home. I know how much you'll miss him - after all, he's been a part of your household for a long time and you've been through so much with him. Hope you catch up with him at future GAL events!