Could anyone please give me some idea why Missy would start to bite my lurcher Dusty.
The first time this happened when Dusty (who BTW is top dog) told Maverick off for getting to boisterous then Missy jumped in and went for Dusty's shoulders.
The second time was last night. Dusty was ticking Max (our Labrador) off and Missy laid into Dusty across the shoulders again. This one however, meant a trip to the vet at 11.45pm last night. Missy ripped a 3 inch gash and a 1 inch gash into Dusty's shoulders. Twenty to thirty staples later..... Dusty is feeling VERY sorry for herself but will mend fine.
Missy is currently muzzled while Dusty is in the room until we can figure why she would attack Dusty. Is this dominance, protection or jealousy?
The biting can and usually starts when Missy, Max and Dusty are playing and Dusty then calls time on the proceedings. All this has kicked off recently - we have had Missy since April with no signs of this behaviour.
Another point; how can we get this behaviour out of Missy besides wading in to pull Dusty out to save her ?
We have had Dusty some 5 years now (from a puppy) and Max 3 years from young dog. Missy arrived 18mnths old in April this year.
Dusty is Alpha dog amongs the dogs. Max will forever be bottom dog... totally submissive.
Missy at the moment is number 2 in the dog pack.
As Dusty is top dog she steps in to stop things getting out of hand by just giving a growl and things usually stop. Recently when Dusty has told Max and lately Maverick (who we don't have now) to stop being too giddy Missy has waded in to defend Maverick and now Max. Missy dives in on top of Dusty biting at her shoulders. I've had this a few times but as time has progressed the nibbling has turned into biting. Dusty has already had two small punctures from Missy's eye teeth and Saturday night she ended up with the 3 inch and 1 inch tears across her shoulders.
Missy doesn't seem to be interested in jumping on her any othertime except playtime.
Playtime consists of ball throwing for Max, Missy and Dusty or just a good run and chase in the garden. When the dogs seem to get a bit boisterous thats when everything seems to kick off. Feeding times, petting, sleeping, prancing etc all seem fine; its only when the play gets a little passionate that things happen.
Dusty has been pretty well bunged up with constipation for which she has seen the vet for so don't know IF that has anything to do with it as in the fact that Dusty may have received a bit more attention of late however, when Maverick was here Dusty was in great health shape.
So I'm totally confounded as besides the boisterous play why Missy should behave like this.
I'm keeping them separate at this time til Dusty heals from Saturdays mayhem.
Obviously I don't want to stop playing with the dogs to avoid this situation as we all love to play with the dogs and the dogs love to play.
Hi Katrina, Viv seems to have taken an interest in this one so I will (as ever) bow to her superior knowledge but I guess my tupenceworth is - Possibly Missy is being 'overstimulated' by Dusty's behaviour when she 'tells the other dogs off' remember the greyhound genes and their hunting / killing instincts. When Dusty starts a squabble the mild mannered Missy gets the red mist and just jumps into the general rammy, it's a possibility that Dusty's behaviour needs addressed rather than Missy's.....
Nice thinking Dave! Of course there may be an element of what you say in the events, but I doubt it's the whole story.
The first thing that springs to my mind is that any 'lady' dog seldom lies between two male dogs, if you want to talk 'hierarchy', females are normally the one the boys would respect the most and of course worship!. However, you have two girls after the same job now that Missy is approaching maturity.
To compound the issue there seems to be what's called 'interdog agreession' going on. This is not hormone related (this would be much earlier), defending behaviour or hierarchical. It usually occurs between dogs that have lived happily together until one of them (the others already having reached it) starts to reach maturity (Missy). She has started to assert herself over Dusty and feels she can do the same job -
It's all to do with the hard wiring of dogs that live in a multi-dog household.
These altercations usually start off mildly, but if left, the behaviour can escalate into manic proportions. You should intervene, in this situation and work carefully to avoid such actions, by keeping them seperated, especially when you are not there. When you are there make sure that they have fewer causes to squabble (what what they percieve as resources, this can be a trigger). Then there is dave's hypothesis regarding the over stimulation, this can be avoided by not having both ladies out playing together with the boys. The towns not big enough for the both of them at play time!! Train and play separately.
I suspected it was a challenge for Top Bitch between the dogs.
I will take your advise for playing though it will be hard on the pooches not playing together but its better than having huge vet bills and injured dogs. Also will consider muzzling Missy while there is frolicing going on at least then she can't dig her teeth in.
You wouldn't believe but Missy and Dusty are snuggled right up against each other sleeping in the room (Missy is muzzled). Max is also just lying off the bed next to Missy. This is why it was a bit of a shock for Missy to lash out. They get on SO well usually.
Thanks Dave and Viv I suspected it was a challenge for Top Bitch between the dogs.
Sorry if I mislead you there Katz. It's not anything to do with top, bottom or middle bitch, it's purely the adolescent dog 'testing' the more mature one to hone her own skills as an adult dog. Problem is they are so thin skinned and almost hairless. Long haired GSD's wouldn't have had to visit the vets.
How is everything going with Dusty & Missy? Zada has been a bit grumpy with Saska just recently, - not yet to the extent of a vet visit, but hopefully it is just because she has been neutered last week and was just wanting to be left alone.
How is everything going with Dusty & Missy? Zada has been a bit grumpy with Saska just recently, - not yet to the extent of a vet visit, but hopefully it is just because she has been neutered last week and was just wanting to be left alone.
Hope things are better with Missy & Dusty.
Thanks for asking
Everything seems to be OK with the pair of them at the moment.
Dusty is due to get her staples out on Friday as things are healing well but they were kept in longer than normal because of the big tear.
I do agree with Viv that the over stimulation is a large part of the problem so we are separating the bitches when there are rough houses going on and also Missy is muzzled from time to time.
For safety's sake Missy is muzzled right now as we picked out a new foster dog lastnight... Zack. He's muzzled also just to make sure that NO major injuries will occur.
This morning as we got up, my hubby said have you seen those two (refering to Dusty and Missy)..... Missy had moved into Dusty's bed and the pair of them were lying the same direction but feet to feet and Missy had her feet on top of Dusty's chest. So sweet I only wish I'd have slept with my camera last night. Both were quite content and enjoying the warmth from each other.
Glad to hear things have quietened down just now, and how cute with hearing Missy and Dusty mirroring eachother. Lets keep everything crossed that everything settles down and looking forward to hearing more about Zack.