Yesterday the SSPCA called at my house after receiving a complaint from a vindictive ex-husband
Claiming that my dogs (Charlie and Jet) were being locked up for long hours, no excercise, not being fed correctly and also the rats not being cared for in an appropriate manner.
As I was away for most of the day working, Katrina was looking after the dogs and rats as normal and contacted the SSPCA on my behalf and arranged an new visit same day.
She explained the situation regarding my vindictive neighbours and ex-husband and I have discussed this with Dave at length in the past.
The SSPCA duely came back at approx 3.20pm yesterday and said that the allegations were "UNFOUNDED" and the dogs were "Magnificent" ! I subsequently called the police to report this unfounded allegations as harrassement and victimisation from my ex. The police officers also said that the dogs were " absolutely beautiful".
I am SO angry that my ex would do something like this to risk breaking my daughters heart and to risk these wonderful dogs being with me all for his selfish victimisation and personal gain. In fact it make me SICK !!!
Thank you for Dave in helping out in this situation and keeping the information that Katrina supplied on file if required for further police/SSPCA action. Your help is most appreciated
It is SO sad that people do not have anything better to do than to make malicious unfounded complaints.
I feel much stonger personally that the SSPCA came out and found ABSOLUTELY NOTHING WRONG with my house, enviroment, feeding, excerising, general care of the animals and infact found everything to be exlemporary and that this malicious complaint was totally unfounded and unwarranted.
Lets hope the SSPCA follow this up with an investigation or police contact for wasting their precious time and resources.
i feel for you - how infuriating that one person can wreak so much needless havoc. your ex must be very unhappy to find pleasure in creating such a situation for you.
someone should, perhaps, suggest that he needs some serious psychiatric help.
i have some measure of sympathy cos i, too, had a psychotic ex-husband and know what it's like to be hounded out of spite. he didn't think about reporting me to the rspca but he did write to the police, alleging that i was dealing drugs, he also sent me reams and reams of abusive text messages and letters. apart from being very angry with him, i now view him with pity.
thankyou for your very kind words. i can empathise with you and you have managed to come out stronger the other side. there is a line in a song that states' those who try to break you, unwittingly they make you ' and that is true for both me and you. i love my dogs, i love my 4 rats, 2 fish and my rabbit and i care for all of them with my daughters assistance and she is 8 years old. Thanks again because i know that you understand the possition that i am in as this is just one of many allegations that he has made against me lots of thanks marian
thankyou 4 your kind thoughts and for taking the time to offer me support. Katrina has been a real support throughout this ridiculous situation with it being reported to the police i feel happier i have not instructed my ex of the result of my sspca visit . i will let him stew on that one. i love my 2 dogs,my 4 my 4 rats, 2 fish and my rabbit he is a vindictive person to risk everyones feelings thanks again take care marian
what goes around, comes around. at some point in his life, he will suffer for this. it might take years or decades but i truly believe in natural justice, and it WILL happen.
The whole thing sounds like a total nightmare, I do not know you but I can tell from your writing how much you love and care for your pets and daughter. above the universe does usually deal fairly and what goes around does boomerang back - with time.
All I can offer is the thought that you do not need to make his life hell and how sad that he appears to need to try to make yours hard. You can always point out to him that you feel sad that he is so unhappy that he needs to try to make you unhappy too. Point out that this has not affected you but if his self esteem is so low would it not be better for himself in the long run to get some counselling.
Hope this keeps you strong Emma, Tiger and Chad XXX
Can't believe someone would be so nasty..well I can actually but you know what I mean.To try this when there is a child involved too is just unforgivable and also extremely sad. He is obviously very jealous that you are so organised and able to cope with everything.
Good on you for rising above it all and not lowering yourself to his level by keeping him in the dark about the outcome.You obviously adore your pets and have both their best interests and that of your daughter -naturally - at heart.
Keep your chin up as you have done absolutely nothing wrong.
Yip unfortunately these things happen. It's easy to pick up the phone and make such a call to the Scottish SPCA. The SSPCA are obliged to check things out - but they are used to malicious calls - it's a real drain on their resources! How many 'real cases' are delayed as a result.
i've had threats in the past - It's very very stressfull - the threats can come from the least expected direction - but to I had to remaber my rescued hounds were living in luxury , comforts, great food, best vet care, loads of stimulation and loads of controlled walks ( not allowed to run free and disturb neighbours etc
Despte that when I recently saw the SSPC van pass by - my heart sank -Bottom line - as we know the issue is not usually the dogs but something else
Everyone in GAL needs stick together, as we do, get advice, help etc as required
In all recent problems over past two years - others have been mostly at fault as my hounds are muzzled and on leads outside - but we still get assualted by neighbouring dogs, yorkies, cats and foxes. I get blame every time if one of my dog reacts to one of the 'off the lead disobedient dogs' I get very pissed off at times.
But one goes on - You do what is right- Dog collar/lead / muzzle/ name tag / dog waste bag
One thing about GAL is that it has a very educational / informative side- A GAL hound should be one of the best controlled/ behaved hounds ib Scotland