Coco is such a fashion victim and she has been pushing Andy and me for a little pink number, that is a collar.
Together we have visited the shop, but as she is so fussy and DEMANDS pink, nothing there is suitable. So, surfing the net we came across a fabulous haute coutouer site for dogs and low and behold we see a couple of items which we agree with her, would be fantastic. But, measuring up, we see that the collar she is currently wearing is 2" wide; whereas on the site of choice, they only go up as high as 1.5" - is this broad enough??
Her father, the ever strict Andy, wants her to remain decent with comfort being of the essence - so, what do you guys think - is 1.5" okay, or would it cut into her neck or annoy her in any other way, or even cause her harm.
Coco has asked me not to pass on the site, but as she is unable to type due to her nails, I will let you know the secret - here goes ...
Iluska & Andy (Fiddie couldn't give a flying pig's ear about fashion)
There are often pink leather greyhound collars on Ebay, might be worth a look.
One of them is 1.5 inches and is a martingale for sighthounds so that size seems ok. I just searched for "pink greyhound" to find these. (apologies if I'm telling you something you already know!)
oh dear, daisy has just seen that site and is now re-considering her fashion sense. she currently wears a fetching red indoor collar but her walkies collar is boring brown leather. i just know she's going to want something more chic - i was thinking of one of those nice neck hankie things but that isn't going to be good enough now !!!
ps. dave also couldn't give a fig about fashion - must be a man-thing.