I noticed whilst looking at the GAL website that the current featured dog is 'Buddy' - and read with interest that he is currently undergoing training. I couldn't help but think 'what a great idea' for some of the long term dogs in kennels, like Buddy, that need that extra input to help get them a home I can only guess that someone is voluntarily putting in time and effort to help Buddy.
In our wisdom we've taken Keera along to the training and we met Buddy, Morpheus and Mr Spoons. We've met Buddy and Mr Spoons before at Langbank and they're really loveable boys. We couldn't be in a better group. Its a good laugh. Oops I meant the training is coming on really well.
BUDDY is now the featured dog on the main GAL website, he's been in our kennels for 18 months now and it's such a shame that the right family hasn't came for him..
Anyways I'll rewind a bit!..You'll all have (hopefuly) read the topics in the training thread about Viv's Greyhound and Lurcher training classes, well Viv started the 4th set of beginners classes a week past thursday. We were all a bit dissapointed that only 3 new hounds enrolled cos it really is SO worth while, anyways just before the classes started Karen who's currently fostering MR SOONS asked if we thought it would be useful to take him along, we'll I thought it was a great idea so Mr Spoons has been enrolled into the class.
I then got talking to David Aitchison, another GAL volunteer, himself and a couple of other volunteers have been going to the kennels every weekend to help walk the dogs there, David has a soft spot for the brindles (he owns 3 himself!) and he felt a bit sorry for BUDDY as he'd been there so long. To be honest I also felt badly for Buddy, you kinda feel you've let them down by not being able to find a home for them, Buddy's demeanor has also change a bit in the time he's been there, he was a happy bouncy dog but the last couple of times I'd seen him he was looking a wee bitty depresed, to be honest I don't blame him, it's a long time to be there despite the great care he receives. Anyways David had the idea of giving Buddy a bit of a break from kennel life and taking him to the training classes, I thought that was such a great idea so David and his wife Liz have started doing this, as they are both up at the kennels every weekend they have the time to do the training with him him then.
Finally not to be out done (and to my eternal gratitude) Andy and Iluska who also help out a the kennels every weekend offered to take another one of the dogs from the kennels to the same training classes so we chose MORPHEUS and he too attended his first class last week!
SO, we now have 3 homeless dogs attending training classes and even after a week we're begining to see the benefits, can I just take the time to thank Karen, David, Liz, Andy & Iluska for helping out the dogs, David has a 111 mile round trip to take a dog to the classes, thats committment for you!..
Anyways now that I have your attention I'll tell you a bit about Buddy, he's now GAL's featured dog and I've promised David to find him a home in time for Christmas. Buddy has twice been homed by GAL and twice returned (through no fault of his own!) He's great with other dogs although needs watched round small furries, he's great with kids (used to live with a toddler) and just an all round nice guy. He did have a spot of seperation anxiety in his previous home however after only 2 days work he got over that. Buddy is just such a smashing dog but the right family just hasn't come for him, here's hoping I can keep my promise to David...
This proves that there's so much work and effort put in by volunteers behind the scenes to help the GAL hounds. I know people don't like to 'blow their own trumpets' but this deserves a mention, as Dave has done.
Well done David, Liz, Andy & Iluska - you are stars
Anyways now that I have your attention I'll tell you a bit about Buddy, he's now GAL's featured dog and I've promised David to find him a home in time for Christmas. Buddy has twice been homed by GAL and twice returned (through no fault of his own!) He's great with other dogs although needs watched round small furries, he's great with kids (used to live with a toddler) and just an all round nice guy. He did have a spot of seperation anxiety in his previous home however after only 2 days work he got over that. Buddy is just such a smashing dog but the right family just hasn't come for him, here's hoping I can keep my promise to David...
Promise duly kept Buddy will be going to his new home on the 4th of December
Soooo pleased for Buddy, I remember seeing him last year & he is such a lovely big dog, good luck in your new home hope there is a comfy sofa waiting for you
What fantastic news late last night when we had a phone call from Langbank. What a great result for B2 (Buddy's nickname at the classes) and allows him to finally take his rightful place in a fireside duvet in time for Xmas. He is a really wonderful dog and gave us lots of fun and laughs as he set about every little challenge with great enthusiasm and a big smile on his face.
We all wish him lots of luck with his new family and hope to meet up with them at the weekend at the show.
I got the chance to say a fond farewell to Buddy at the christmas show on Sunday, thanks to David for bringing him along, his new mum was also in attendance so the pair had an enjoyable day together, not long now before he goes to his new home. I have to say the change in Buddy following his training classes has been great, he just looked so chilled out on Sunday, taking everything in his stride and greeting everyone with a daft wee smile...