"He is NOT staying!" is the mantra in this household and must be repeated at least five times a day.
We shall not succumb to the charms of Morsicus (although it has been discussed on more than one occassion!!!).
He is a lovely boy and we'd love to keep him, however due to his bouciness and Ozzy's lack of social skills when out and about it is impossible for one person to walk them both safely (and with any dignity). This is not a problem in the short term but when we go on holiday it would be a helluva lot to ask of family, especially when most of them have two dogs themselves!
(by the way - to all you lab haters, you know who you are, Ozzy is kept on the lead when exercised )
Dogs are not intelligent: never trust any animal that is suprised by its own farts!
Thats 3 people now that have called me from Perth the last 2 days after seeing the article so hopefully some good has come of it already...the last call was a bit odd though, the guy asked if that was ''The Survival Code''..
What an excellent article. Fantastic that some applications have already come from it. It just goes to show what can be achieved by keeping in touch with local papers. Well done.