the weather down here has suddenly turned colder at night. dave and daisy always wanted to sleep on the bed with us but were happy to take turns. we found that one dog fitted on the bed nicely, two was just not a possibility !!!
however, since the nights are now much chillier, the both want to sleep with us. there really isn't the room tho. i have a few choices:
1. Get a bigger bed.
2. Neil sleeps in the spare room.
3. We try dave and daisy with pyjamas.
well.........we can't afford the first, i wouldn't like the second option at all so, we're down to option three.
does anyone think they might be feeling the cold and that's the reason for wanting to sleep on our bed? if so, i'm happy to try them in jim-jams but don't know where to get them so any suggestions would be gratefully received.
ps. i put an old t-shirt on each of them tonite. i'm sure it would be a good interim measure but i couldn't stop laughing enough to fall asleep myself !!!!!!
I swear by jim-jams: not just for me but for my dogs too. They all sleep much better in the cold nights when they have theirs on. I'd definitely give them a go if I was you.
I have PJs with front legs & a belly on them for Maisie - she gets so excited when i bring them out that she rolls on her back desperately offering me paws so she can put them in the legs....sooooooo cute!!
Once Ive mastered camera onto internet thingmy Ill let you see.....they both LOVE em
They say owners look like their dogs...Im still waiting to morph into a super fit, lean machine with legs up to my armpits...
they arent ideal to be honest Tree - my pals bought me them for Murf when she was at the badmintin Horse trials last year - they are such a awkward shape to put on that Murf used to run away rather than face having to contort his body to get in & out of them - Maisie just manages coz shes much smaller.... if you want a neb tho...
Im buying them both GAL jammies for their xmas (ssssshhhhhh - dont tell them!!;)
They say owners look like their dogs...Im still waiting to morph into a super fit, lean machine with legs up to my armpits...
We bought the GAL pyjamas for Belle, and she's worn them for a few nights now since the weather got cold. I can highly recommend them. Last winter we left the heating on overnight more than a few times, cos the poor soul had no body fat to keep her warm. With her jammies, she's absolutely fine. She stays cosy and we save on heating bills. Sorted.
Another massive thumbs-up for the GAL indoor coats from our two! Our two have just started wearing their's. They absolutely love them and they're toasty as toasty can be. Harry's coat is one of the latest batch from the USA and I reckon it's even thicker and cosier than the old ones. An extremely wise investment!
Ahhhh Harry is so cute in his jim-jams. I was comming on the forum tonight to ask the same question . If I should get Sunny a house coat for at night. Thank you for the answer everyone
Now I just have to wrestle the credit card off Steve!!!!
Greyhounds are like chocolates, one is just never enough.
Our girls like their PJs as well. Especially Indy who loves her comfort and won't settle without her jimjams and a couple of duvets to lie on. Our dogs? Spoilt? Nooooooo!
Never being one to miss an opportunity to post a pic here's Indy in hibernation mode.... When she does get up (usually around the start of April) she shuffles around in her tartan coat looking just like Grandad in his dressing gown....
Heres my two tonight, enjoying their pigs ear from the dog goodies stand at the show this weekend & keeping cosy in their "His n Hers" PJs courtesy of Esthers shop on Saturday.....
everyone say aaaawwwwww!!!
They say owners look like their dogs...Im still waiting to morph into a super fit, lean machine with legs up to my armpits...
Not fair Suzanne , I wanted a leopard print pair of jammies for Dinah!!! Had to buy Noah the tiger stripe ones & Dinah the pale blue with little white, looks like, seals!!! anyway both very cosy & lying up on my sofas & suppose it don't matter what's on them as long as they are cosy pie
Just managed to get a piccie of Dinah cuddled up to Pink Panther in her jammies, hope it works! will get one of Noah when he dose'nt have his face burried in a cushion fast asleep!
Aww, they're just the cutest little things! Karen - I saw Dinah trying on her jammies in the shop yesterday. I wish I'd known it was you cos I'd have said hello.
Cyber Hi Fiona, I saw you aswell with the lovely Pearly & Harry, but was too busy trying to get my two to stand at peace to try their jammies on (think they were being a bit shy or just trying to sniff out the sweeties) sorry I never made it over to say hello by the time I had decided on which ones they were getting it was a bit busy round the shop & wanted to get out before I spent any mor money (not that they are not worth it) but with two it becomes pretty expensive cause you can't by one without the other, hope to see you all again soon in 06
Lesley wrote: (Still - perhaps Esther will focus her teasing on you instead of me now)
I hope not Lesley!! Its all Esthers fault anyway! Bought my two their matching jammies on the Saturday but while we were their Esther used Murf to model a santa outfit for some people...he looked SOOO cute...I went home & pondered about it. Then went back on Sunday & got them one each! (well - cant give to one & not the other)
That bloomin Esther....shes a sly one!!
-- Edited by Suzanne at 23:28, 2005-12-03
They say owners look like their dogs...Im still waiting to morph into a super fit, lean machine with legs up to my armpits...
dave and daisy's new jarmies turned up today - they've tried them on and look really sweet, especially with the collar bit up over their ears !!
will try them tonite and hope the dear doglets stay on the floor and don't get up on our bed - there really isn't the room for two greyhounds and two adults on a standard double bed !
You'll just have to get a king-size bed - even if you have to knock a wall down to fit it in the bedroom! (Hope the jim-jams work BTW - and you won't have to rebuild your house).
youll just need to buy them a donut bed each Tree - with that & their jammies Im sure they will leave you alone - Maisie no longer cries to get into my bed now she has her donut & thats only been a few days (of blissful sleep may I add! - not more waking up at 5am with a paw in yer gob!)
They say owners look like their dogs...Im still waiting to morph into a super fit, lean machine with legs up to my armpits...
well, sweet as the jim-jams are, they are not the answer. daisy still cries to get on the bed at night. looks like it might have to be the donut bed. by the time i've found the answer, we'll be in summer and she won't want to be on the bed with us cos she'll be too hot !