Hi Folks - hopefully you will have all read my '28 Greyhounds' post in the 'Important News' section of this forum. I promised a 'no holds barred' foster appeal and here it is.
You'll all know the circumstances these dog were brought into the care of the SPCA (if you don't, read the other post!) Of the 17 dogs in the care of the SPCA 2 are very old and in need of a lot of medical attention, the SPCA have asked GAL to take these 2 dogs onto our books, treat them and rehome them. We have of course said Yes.
It's winter and it's cold so there's NO WAY this pair can go into kennels, we need 2 good foster homes for them, foster homes where they can get a bit of peice and quiet but more importantly where they can get the medical care and attention they urgently require. Both dogs are currently in the isolation unit at the SPCA centre in Bothwell but are free to go into GAL foster homes NOW..
MICKEY - he's 12yrs old, needs a major dental operation (he'll probably end up losing most of his teeth) His eyes are quite cloudy (with old age and possibly due to the conditions in his kennel) He has a number of pressure sores on his body and has severe damage to the tip of his tail (part of it will require amputation) Despite this MICKEY is the lively one of the 2 dogs (well lively for a 12yr old anyway.
URI - he's also 12yrs old, he too requires major dental treatment. He's also fairly stiff round his back end, probably due to old age and lack of recent exercise.
Any more news on these two Dave? I've been thinking about them, so sad being locked up in a kennel for all those years
Is it possible to get any more info on them, e.g. what are they like with other dogs, how debilitated they are (can they manage walks for example?) I know it's really difficult to assess when they're in kennels, especially when they come in in poor condition though
Hi Folks, well Uri & Mickey have arrived into GAL's care!!...
Mickey is now resident up at the kennels in Langbank. He's a lovely fairly massive White and Brindle boy full of life and character. Turns out he's not as ancent as first thought by the SPCA vet, on checking his tattoo's we've discovered hes actually only 7 years old. His tail and teeth are really our only concerns, the tail looks like it's been damaged before and the end is a bit of a mess to be honest (not helped by the constant wagging of his tail and bashing it against things!)
Uri is now tonight spending his first night in a house! Again the SPCA got his age badly wrong and it turns out he's only 7 aswell, he's a nice natured Brindle boy, again he's really full of fun and loves the company of other dogs. Foster mum Johanne has renamed him CALEB (which is hebrew for Dog and also means loyal and faithful) Caleb is in pretty good nick apart from his rotten teeth!
Can I just say a big thanks to everyone who offered to foster these 2 dogs, it was really difficult for me because I think you were all expecting 12yr old Greyhounds on their last legs and that turned out not to be the case. Special thanks to Johanne for fostering Caleb and Julie for holding onto the pair over the weekend and assessing them for us!...
That's great news, Dave! I saw both Caleb and Mickey with you and Julie at Bothwell on Saturday and both dogs looked alert and delighted with the attention you were giving them.
All the best, Johanne - I have no doubt that Caleb will settle in to home life very quickly. Please let us know how he's getting on.
All the best to Mickey too, in Langbank. Rachel and Eddie will be spoiling him lots.
Good to hear these two aren't in as bad shape as first thought...it did seem a bit strange for a trainer to be keeping two ancient greyhounds, though I suppose some of them do keep the retired dogs.