Today - at the GAL Christmas Fayre - Sim won first place in "The best sit or down".
That might not sound particularly impressive to you, dear reader, but let me tell you why it is!
A year ago, when we adopted Sim, he was so nervous that for two months I thought he didn't like ANY treats cos he never accepted any - not even at home! I was in despair as to what I would use to train him. I tried to give him tasty bits and pieces when we were out for walks and they just fell out of his mouth!
In January 05, when we started obedience classes, he was so nervous and distracted in the class that he couldn't even hear my voice! There were evenings when I thought it was totally hopeless!
There are still things which make him nervous - like busy places, car parks , push chairs , strange men etc., etc. But we continue to do what Carole Robinson instructed us to do: ignore nervous behaviour and reward non-nervous behaviour!
So - it's not so much that he did "sit" and "down" - cos he does that at home and when we are out on walks.
The amazing bit is that he did it in that hall: surrounded by hundreds of people and dogs! His focus was totally on me, which was all I ever hoped for at the obedience class.
I am bursting with pride.
P.S. - thank you Carole for your excellent advice.
one of my highlights of the weekend was seeing you and Sim after he had just won his prize. The look of sheer delight and pride on your face was absolutely fabulous and you deserve to feel like that. Well done!
Congratulations and very well done, Lesley and Sim! What an achievement - and how proud and pleased you must be. I'm absolutely delighted for you that your training with him has been so worthwhile.