Well what can I say, but hats off to You & Glenda - Dave that is a fantastic story thank you so much for sharing it with all of us I have a few large lumps in my throat, fabulous how you remember all the dates, names & condtions you got all your lovely dogs in!!!! You both do a fantastic job for GAL & I bet Denise is glad that Glenda nipped your ear for those months way back then
P.S Denise is a legend aswell for staring GAL in the first place, long live McLeod
Thanks Carol - I knew McLeod's story had to be on the website somewhere.
Dave - your story is very moving too. So many dogs have started life with you, some have spent some time with you before moving on and some have stayed with you till the end. But all of them have known what it's like to be well cared for, no matter how short their stay was. Many of the dogs you've fostered and rehomed remember you - I've seen the welcome you get from them all! Your story and Denise's should definitely be in the book you're planning!
Carol wrote: To find out how GAL was formed, go to the main website and click on the information button at the bottom.
Thankyou Carol - I knew about that part, but am intrigued as to what drove Denise on after that - plus what dogs does she have now?
Please Denise - I would love to hear your story from the horses mouth as such! Im sure your story would inspire more folk than norm to go & spread the word....
Dave - thankyou so much for sharing your history. Sorry to pry hon but it brought serious lumps to my throat. I think its quite important for people to see where the building blocks of GAL have come from/been through & what they are inspired by. Although I think we all know the answer to the last one
They say owners look like their dogs...Im still waiting to morph into a super fit, lean machine with legs up to my armpits...
Thank you Dave for the history of your involvment with GAL ,it was very touching and what wonderful memories of all the dogs that have came and gone .THANK YOU BOTH.
I learned about GAL through the internet (isn't technology just great!!!)
I had reached the stage when I wanted to realistically look at being a dog owner. I started surfing the net and looking at all kinds of dogs, although I did admire Greyhounds, and had only seen them for real on a rare occasion. I didn't realise till then that organisations such as GAL existed and homed retired racers, and what superb pets they make. I then stumbled on the GAL site and lo and behold discovered they had Awareness Days at Bothwell SSPCA - I just could not stay away. I had to go at every opportunity (John started getting hooked too ) so this lead to us becoming volunteers and then the inevitable happened - we became the proud owners of a beautiful Grey
I have just read your amazing story. I have to admit that being down here I had no idea who ran GAL but I had assumed you and Glendy had set it up. Thanks for filling me in a bit more.