Murph has been off his food since Friday night - all weekend I tried everything to get him to eat - he even turned his nose up at hot dogs - normally he'd have your hand off for these...I made spag bog on Sunday night - his fav - he wouldnt touch it.
On Saturday morning I woke up to find he had been sick (yellow foam) all over the lounge rug....the words "Bloat" were ringing through my head but he showed no sytoms of abdo pain, no relentless pacing, or trouble going to the loo or anything. So I kept a really close eye on him all weekend. He seemed fine otherwise - pretty bright etc. But then on Sunday I noticed his abdomen was rock hard (spotted when giving a tummy rub mid roach) - when he stood up his waist line had a serious buldge on either side - kinda like this : from sleek waist | | to bulgy waist ( ) ...
forced him to sleep in my bed Sunday night so I could keep an eye on him & when at work today at the vets I had one of them look at him. He had a raised temp, normal bowel/stomach sounds (his stomach had been grumbling sooo loudly all weekend - prob cos he hadnt eaten more than a handful since Thurs night - also why he was sick - he is often sick if he doesnt have anything in his stomach.
She dismissed any gut problem but thought he was very tender in his lumbar muscles.
After work I took him to my vets - his temp was back to normal again but he diagnosed that his lumber muscles (lower back on us) were in permanent spasm - why we have no idea. He gave his a healthy injection of anti-inflammatory & we have to return tomorrow but I just wondered if anyone elses dogs had ever had anything similar.
I cant for love nor money think what he could have done to himself....very strange!
They say owners look like their dogs...Im still waiting to morph into a super fit, lean machine with legs up to my armpits...
Eilidh had a very similar problem that the vet put down to a possible build up of lactic acid in the muscles after a running session on a warm day. She was quite ill for a couple of days and then went back to normal.
now that makes a lot of sense - thanks Carol! He could well have tweaked something Thursday /Friday - been sore & not wanted to eat for a few days, then evil cow of a mother makes him go for a 2hr beach run to Yellowcraigs on sunday & voila - sore mucles already - mass build up of lactic acid.....
god I feel horrible now.... strike me off the Vet nurse list b4 I even graduate.... bad mum, evil mum....
They say owners look like their dogs...Im still waiting to morph into a super fit, lean machine with legs up to my armpits...
Hey Suzanne - don't beat yourself up! You didn't know that because he was off his food, it might be his muscles causing it! It's probably the last thing I'd think of.
Anyway, hope Murph is feeling a lot better soon! Let us know how he's getting on.
I agree with Christine - how could you possibly have connected the wee man vomitting with his muscles being sore? I'd have thought exactly as you did, that perhaps he'd eaten something that was stuck in his gut.
Next time he has a hard run, why not give him an all-over massage. Loads of fun for Murphy and lovely snuggle time for you!
You've done nothing wrong Suzanne - I don't think many people would have known that sore muscles were causing the problem. The yellow foamy sick was maybe because he hadn't eaten anything - Casper gets this sometimes late morning when he hasn't eaten. I thought he wasn't eating because he felt sick, but the vet told me he is probably being sick because he hasn't eaten. I got told to make sure he eats first thing, but its a bit difficult when he's too lazy to get out of bed!
I agree with FAJ about the muscle rub down - my vet also told me to do this with Casper, mainly because of his leg and being stiff etc but Casper loves it, and I do too!
I hope Murphy is feeling better. Let us know how he gets on at the vets today.
"We make a living by what we get, we make a life by what we give."
Hi Suzanne, You did say on Sunday that Murph had been of his food ,though he seemed bright enough on the beach. I am sure what your saying is right and he will be back to normal soon ,so hide your hot dogs. Big hugs to him and Maisie xxxx
back to the vets tonight - he made Murf cry when he manipulated his spine - the vet is happy with the diagnosis of sprained lumbar muscles....
treatment = anti-inflammatory drugs, lead walks for the rest of the week & lots & lots of cuddles. Must brush up on my massage techniques - cant touch him at the mo as his lower back & sides are brick hard & he winces when you touch them.
Poor wee scone. No wonder he doesnt want to eat.....lifes not fair - Id love a brick hard stomach, but cant cos I love to eat. Murf cant eat cos of his brick hard stomach!
They say owners look like their dogs....Im still waiting to morph into a super fit, lean machine with legs up to my armpits....
They say owners look like their dogs...Im still waiting to morph into a super fit, lean machine with legs up to my armpits...
Hope Murph is better soon, Suzanne. Poor wee man - he must be wondering what's wrong with him. Like Jenny, I think as well as massage, some heat applied to his sore bits might help. A warm hot water bottle covered with a towel is comforting and it could help to relax his muscles.
A good lesson learned on my part - will know the next time. This particular type of spasm is apparently very common in Greyhounds due to the nature of them bringing their hind legs right underneath their carrage during high speed running.
One to watch out for! Nothing a few anti-inflammatories & some rest & massage cant cure! My vets were swayed towards spinal xrays but I managed to persuade them that waiting to see the outcome of the drugs was an easier route to take rather than jumping head first in....saved on the pennies too!! *spot the student!* ;)
They say owners look like their dogs...Im still waiting to morph into a super fit, lean machine with legs up to my armpits...
Poor Murph! I just found this thread and hadn't realised that the wee man was suffering.... Glad to hear that he is doing better now...
Malcolm sometimes gets muscle spasms after running around mad and then lying in cold water. He's fine till he stops running and then starts crying and you have to rub his legs for a while but then he goes off running again even though it still hurts every time he stops and he has to cry again (we thought about renaming him Albert for a while, after Einstein). Murph was in the sea a fair bit on Sunday so maybe this helped to make things worse?
I heard on the park grapevine that Sha's girls were poorly as well...
BTW If you are a bad dogmother then I am a Bratwurst.
Dino - you do know how to say the sweetest things....
although `murphs abdo still seems very rigid & distended, he doesnt seem to be in nearly as much discomfort. I reckon by the end of the weekend he'll be brand new.
Thanks for everyones concern. I didnt post for sympathy but i do feel that its an important one to look out for when owing such athletes!
They say owners look like their dogs...Im still waiting to morph into a super fit, lean machine with legs up to my armpits...
Millie had what must have been muscle spasms or cramp the other night, she had been lying sleeping and when she stood up, she held her back leg up whimpering like it was sore. I rubbed it for about ten minutes and she seemed fine after that but i have noticed her do this a few times now. Is this fairly common in greyhounds?
"Adopting just one Greyhound won't change the world, but the world will surely change
for that one Greyhound."