The NGRC are the governing body of Greyhound Racing in the UK, one of their responsibilities is to set the rules by which the tracks, trainers, vets or anyone with a vested interest in the sport must abide by.
The NGRC's RULE 18 covers the responsibilities of Greyhound ownership. The rule basically states that from the point a greyhound is registered, the owner(s) are held responsible for the welfare of that greyhound. The owners must inform the NGRC at any stage when the greyhound leaves the owner(s) care, within a 28-day period. Failure to do so will lead to a fine for simply not informing the NGRC that a greyhound has changed ownership. A Stewards Inquiry may impose heavier penalties and in some cases the Stewards may decide that an owner should no longer be able to register greyhounds for NGRC racing and that a trainer’s licence be withdrawn.
The complete 'small print' of RULE 18 is below, this rule is the single most flaunted and broken rule which exists in relation to Greyhound Racing. The NGRC's failure to actively police this law is in itself a testament to the authority of the NGRC and it's failure again and again to actively take a lead role in the welfare of retired Greyhounds.
i The NGRC Stewards shall hold the last registered Owner to be responsible for the welfare of a Greyhound and also for making acceptable arrangements for his/her retired Greyhound as follows :-
a The Greyhound be retained as a pet, or
b the Greyhound be boarded at a Licensed Kennel, or
c the Greyhound be boarded at a Kennel licensed by the local authority, or
d the Greyhound be found a home through the Retired Greyhound Trust, or
e the Greyhound be sold or found a home, responsibly, or
f if it is necessary for the Greyhound to be euthanased either on humane grounds or because none of the above options are available, the Owner ensuring that such euthanasia is carried out by a registered Veterinary Surgeon.
A registered Owner shall inform the NGRC if there is any change in ownership of a registered Greyhound and whether or not it is intended to enter in any Trial or Race again. A registered Owner shall also report, or arrange for a licensed Trainer to report on his/her behalf, the retirement of a Greyhound which it is not intended to enter it in any Trial or Race again, or any subsequent “Comeback” from a previously reported retirement, to the Racing Manager of any NGRC Licensed Racecourse and shall be given and retain a receipt in the form of a copy of a Greyhound Detail Report.
Failure to give notification under Rule 18(ii) within 28 Days of the Change of Ownership shall result in a penalty being levied and may result in the NGRC Stewards prohibiting an Owner from registering Greyhounds unless the Owner is able to satisfy the Stewards that any future retirement of a Greyhound in his/her charge will be strictly in accordance with Rule 18.
Greyhounds were imported to North America in large numbers from Ireland and England in the mid 1800’s not to course or race, but to rid Midwest farms of a virtual epidemic of jackrabbits and coyotes that were ruining farms and livestock. Americans soon discovered that Greyhounds could be a source of sport and the first national coursing meets were held in Kansas in 1886.
They say owners look like their dogs...Im still waiting to morph into a super fit, lean machine with legs up to my armpits...