Usually Anniversaries are fun occasions, occasionally I guess they are not. Happy Anniversary Conor, 15 months to the day since you arrived in GAL's care, here's hoping for a home soon big lad.
gawd Dave - I cant believe this lovely lovely boy hasnt got a home yet. I transported him all thoses months ago from his racing kennels to Rachel & Eddies.
He really was a darling on the 2hr journey - sat perfectly in the back of the car with his head on my shoulder watching the world go by for the whole ride. Im sure he knew that I was taking him to a better place & life...
bet the wee scone didnt think he'd still be waiting for his spot on the sofa....*sniff*
They say owners look like their dogs...Im still waiting to morph into a super fit, lean machine with legs up to my armpits...
Im sure he knew that I was taking him to a better place & life...
I think he did know Suzanne, I had the pleasure of taking him for a short walk and he couldnt stop wagging his tail, he loves life and will make such a wonderful companion for someone. Poor Connor your day will come and hopefully it will be soon. x