We hit a bit of a breakthroiugh recently. Normally we can't let big soppy Harry off lead with Pearly (or any other dogs) as he tends to terrorise them - stops Pearly from running and bullies her and barges her non stop - she bites back but it all gets too stressful for her so it's a non starter.
However, we've found that he doesn't do this when we let him loose in the dark in "our" fields above the dunes and golf course. Maybe he's not as sure as Pearly in the dark. Since it is pitch black and spooky - no other dog owners venture there at night which is ideal.
But, the two of them are right wee hunters and quite often they find the local deer that hang about and this involves a 30 second chase before the deer lose them in bracken. This means the dogs need lights on them so that we can track them, and also just to check where they are as the only light you have is your torch and the moon. We've tried nearly all the LED light collars and wee gadgets but all so far have broken or failed or come apart.
Any suggestions? The best so far is a small metal LED flasher which is similar to what mountaineering folk wear in the hills for safety. We may just end up buying relecting collars (like the stuff on biking jackets and on trainers) and use a strong spotlight to see them.
Steve, we've got 'Bear Bells' for ours if they go off lead in the dark, don't know if you would be happy with the noise aspect of tracking them rather than the light aspect. Bear Bells are used in the states by folk off hiking, they are designed to scare the bears! Anyways the ones we've got velcro onto the collor, very securely, and (obviously) make a noise, there's a few sites you can buy them from, one is below. (the other benefit of course is it'll give the deer a head start!)
Bear Bells - now that's different! Not sure if the people living near the fileds will like that ever 6am. Will give it some thought anyway Dave but I do like the idea of being able to see that flash of light as it streaks across the fiield.
Dawn - we are lucky as only 2 moins from our house there's two big fields which are semi enclosed with natural boiundaries. The dogs seem to stay within the fields...mostly. There a wee bit of a wood there which the deer sometimes shelter in which makes for an interesting time. As with all things they get up to there's always a risk of them hurting themselves but they get so much fun out of their off lead mooches.
Hows about one of these? They are radioactive, so will glow constantly for about 10 years, the glowing does mean that none of the radioactivity gets out.
Dawn - we are lucky as only 2 moins from our house there's two big fields which are semi enclosed with natural boiundaries. The dogs seem to stay within the fields...mostly. There a wee bit of a wood there which the deer sometimes shelter in which makes for an interesting time. As with all things they get up to there's always a risk of them hurting themselves but they get so much fun out of their off lead mooches.
Steve that sounds great can you take my guys there, cos they would love that, its just me who is the scared one!!
not sure if its of much use but I have 'cat' bells on my 2s collars - when they disappear into the woods I can at least hear where they are - only 1.20 quid at Pets at Home - Maisies on her 3rd tho as they do fall off in the 'brush' if the dogs busy hunting....
They say owners look like their dogs...Im still waiting to morph into a super fit, lean machine with legs up to my armpits...
I bought a roll of reflective tape, £25 for 10 metres, it's self adhesive but dosn-t stick to the dog's jacket all that well. I wrapped it around the tie strap and then back onto itself so it stuck fine. A piece of that on each side of the jacket and the dogs are visible in moonlight, street lights and head lights.
-- Edited by mclarchitects at 09:02, 2005-12-19
Alan, Lulu and Douglas's Dad or am I Lulu's dad and Douglas's grandad?
I wonder whether you found what you were looking for. We have just bought Suzie a flashing red heart for her collar. She gets off lead quite a bit and disappears into the twilight despite white legs and a bright pink coat.
The flashing heart is called Mini Spot Tag. It takes small flat batteries which can be replaced, is activated by movement and only works after dark - quite clever.
I was going to attach it permanently to her collar, but then realised that it would be flashing all night - so I have put it on a little clip to attach to her collar when we go out in the evening.
Thats the ones i have for my dogs collars. I have the bone shaped ones. I think they are really good but are quite big to have on the collar all the time and they flash in the house aswell, even though the light is on in the evening. I have done the same, just bought seperate keyring type clip and attached them before going out in the dark.
"Adopting just one Greyhound won't change the world, but the world will surely change
for that one Greyhound."
I've used website hyperdrug.com recently and bought an "atomic" lead for night walking. It's a very strong nylon lead and powered up by small battery pack. I certainly can recommend the lead and feel safer at night on the streets for being seen. I've noticed they also do a range of stuff for collars and tags.
I don't let mine off in the dark (far too scary!), so no suggestions for reflectors, though was thinking that I should get something like that too even for lead walking, so other people, cars etc. can see us.