Greyhound Trei has has a cloudy left eye since he came to live with me earlier in the year. He is 3 years 5 months old. He did seem to have some sight in it at that time.
I'm feeling rather guilty - I have been enjoying some longer walks with a pair of the dogs during the holidays. Exciting for the hounds as there so many squirrels etc about on the walkways and in the parks. However walking 2 reveals more about each dog then when out with the 5.
Trei kept bumping into me as well as stepping on my heels. I was getting annoyed as no amount of pushing him out of the way, adjusting the lead seemed to be doing the trick.
Later on I decided to test his poor eye - making sudden movement towards it with my hand. No reaction whats so ever! So it appears no sight at all in the left eye. What he was doing, out on the walk, was moving his head to scan the horizon with his good eye. In certain positions he obviously can't see forward so collisions occur.
I will take him to the vet for a check up next week.
Hope Trei is starting to cope with his blind eye. Abbey was three when we got her and she always had a white cyst like thing in her right (we got her 4yrs past in Nov). It was only last January that it to developed into a cataract and now she is totally blind in that eye. Vet did mention an op but said there was no gaurantee she would get her sight back, so we decided not to get it done. She copes really well with her one eye (apart from the occasional bump when everyone is at full pelt!) and it adds to her grumpy/individual charactar!