Jack, who is my lurcher, is getting to be a bit of an old man! Everything seems to be stiffening up and he's just not up to the long walks he was before! However he has developed episodes of shaking, as if he is shivering, when his whole body vibrates. It doesn't seem to affect him in him himself, he still comes to attention, will eat and even play but all whilst shivering. It will last for around 5 minutes or so and then disappear. This occurs at times when he is not cold usually in the house, his ears are warm and he has usually been lying in his favourite spot by the radiator.
He is about 8 - I think! Had him for 7 years he is pretty steady - he doesn't fall over but is shaking so not altogether steady - but he is able to stand without staggering. Any idea what could be causing it?
I would be inclined to have a vet check his blood pressure and also have a general check up, Jack's shaking could be caused by anxiety. As us humans also know when our blood pressure drops we can become a bit unsteady and anxious.
Fiona, I would definitley tell your vet. You haven't said how often this is happening. I had a couple of episodes with my dog Ruby which included shaking. She was able to stand, move & even wee during these turns, but was shaking and a bit disorientated. My vet treated as for epilepsy. 2 tablets a day and she is fine now. Jack could be having seizures of some kind, I know it sounds a bit drastic, but is actually very managable and not entirely uncommon. Anyway, see what the vet thinks and let us know.
Took him to the vets and he has com eback with a full bill of health! Vet reckoned if it was epilepsy the shaking would be a bit more violent and he would most likely not interect during them. He thinks perhaps a trapped nerve or perhaps excitement (Its quite hard to tell when Jacks excited!).
Thought I'd let you all know and thank you for your help.