Tomorrow is the big day. Saffron is getting speyed. I feel ill thinking about it. I have been reading things about how greys are not suited to anesthetics and how you should make sure your vet is aware of this.... I have spoken to my vet and she assures me that Saff will be fine but it still doesn't stop me fretting. We are getting her teeth cleaned whilst she is 'under' so she won't have to come back another time and go through it all again.
Also, as we have fostered Deano, I am concerned that he will try to use her being unwell to try and push for dominance. I hope he behaves!!!
I dunno what yours are like but when Saffron has her needles she is so brave! She puts me to shame - I sit there going, what is in the needle? what is it for? why do you need to do it? is it gonna hurt? will I feel strange afterwards? can't I come back next week for it? etc etc lol..... I am a right fanny!!
Sure Saff will be fine and Deano might just surprise you and be very gentle, they can sum how tell that another is not quite right, guess it is the scent of the vets on them. Good Luck Nora
It's normal to get anxious when our hounds are about to be operated on. But they will be in the best on hands.
Am sure Deano will behave. He will be concerned that Saffron has been away all day and will be pleased to see her come home. They seem to sense that something has been done to their pal - vet smells etc She will want peace and quiet though for first night then no jumping around till the wound heals.
Shellgaz, Good luck with Saffron at the vets tomorrow. Do let us know how she gets on.
We too will be visiting the vets in 2 weeks time - our first experience with our dog going under anaesthetic. Karen G did give a tip after she left Noah at the vets the other week - "don't look at him/her in the eyes as you leave". I will remember that - it makes sense.
i'm sure Saffron will be fine. Daisy sailed thru her operation and recovery as if nothing had happened. Us women have a much higher pain threshold than the boys !!!!
Zada was great also when she got neutered and then when she got her dental done.
I don't know the full details, but I have heard they do use a different type of anestethic on deep chested dogs.
Don't worry and just have something nice and light for Saffron to eat tomorrow night and warmth and the most importantlyloads of tlc (which you always give her)
Saffron is home safe and well. She is really sleepy and crying a lot though bless her. I keep cuddling her and telling her its ok lol, she is really confused as to why she is so sore though.
Deano mooched around all day wondering where she had gone. He kept on walking round the house as if he was looking for her. He was over the moon to see her when we got home and has not left her side since - well apart from when the kids were eating before and he never left their sides!!
I am sure that Saff will be fine in a few days and I am really relieved that there will be no more 'heats'.....
Saffron has recovered amazingly from getting speyed. I was really worried that she would be in agony when she got home but surprisingly she isn't too bad. She did sleep for ages on Friday night but by Saturday morning she was up and about as normal. She was starving bless her!
Got to get her stitches checked on Wednesday. Not really sure when I can take her for a little walk though.... any ideas?
we took daisy for short walks as soon as she was back to normal, i think it was a couple of days after her op. we keep her on the lead all the time anyway, but the vet advised lead-walks until well after the stitches were out just so she didn't put any strain on the wound.
if you want to wait until she's had her stitches checked, i'm sure she won't miss walkies for a few days.
hugs & licky kisses to saffron from dave and daisy xxx
Hi Nora, I would love to come and meet everyone and I may just do it! We live in Newcastle so we are quite a way away but maybe in the summer we could make the drive up. I think some of the kids are going away in the holiday so if there is something going on we might make it.
I will try Saff for a short walk today, she seems desperate to get out - in fact yesterday when I took Deano and not her she chewed my book to get back at me!! Naughty girl
We took a small cabin at Dunbar for our hols in 2004 (even tho we live in Edinburgh, about half an hour away!)... Its basic (2 bedrooms, living room, kitchen & a small garden) but dog-friendly and cheap and it is on the edge of John Muir Country Park which is the best place for walking greyhounds ever. See for some recent pics of John Muir. Some other John Muir pics are in the other albums which you can get into from the top of the page and there are also pics from Yellowcraigs which is just up the road...
If you are interested in the cabin PM me and I'll get the contacts for you.