I was sitting watching the tv tonight when i noticed Millie chewing on something out the corner of my eye. Since it was next to her bed in the livingroom and her toy box is beside that, i assumed that it was a toy. 5 minutes later she was still chewing and it was then i realised she was chewing thru my computer cable which also connects the phone. Its well hiddin under the bed, runs round the back and buried behing covers, but she must have found it!
By the time i got her to stop she had chewed right through. Computer was switched off so no harm done to Millie but my phone wasnt working.
Then went to tesco to buy new cable and on way back she decides she wants to make a grab for some chicken bones that someone had thrown on the ground along the river. She managed to grab one and swallowed it before i could get the thing out her mouth so hopefully she is ok. I will just keep an eye on her. She has been such a naughty girl tonight
This isnt like her as she is normally good as gold! She must be going through the "terrible two" syndrome lol
"Adopting just one Greyhound won't change the world, but the world will surely change
for that one Greyhound."
Once Millie has settled in she will get into all sorts of naughtiness (looks like it might have started!!) Don't worry we have all been there done that and we will laugh and cry along with you
Sounds like she is settling in, little tinker.You need to be suspisious of every action at first just in case! My dog Charlie once chewed through the wire to the hoover (it was plugged in!) I have no clue how it didn't hurt him but he was fine! This happened when he was suffering from seperation anxiety, on the same day he trashed the carpet, tore off a door frame,chewed the dining table, ate several easter eggs and pooped everywhere! Boy did we know we had him that day.
You will be pleased to know things improved a great deal after that (my hubby nearly got rid of him there and then, it is only due to his love for me) He is so glad he didn't because he provided us with years of fun (and more tears) after that.
Hi Emma, Millie doesnt suffer from seperation anxiety so it definatly wasnt due to that. She can be left all day if i have to and she is as good as gold. To be honest, i think its because the wire was near her basket of toys, she maybe never knew that the wire wasnt a toy. My fault really, i thought i had it better covered up. She is great fun (most of the time) lol, but im sure i'll have many years of laughter (and tears) ahead with her
"Adopting just one Greyhound won't change the world, but the world will surely change
for that one Greyhound."
LOL My dogs are generally quite good, now, but on the odd occasion it's like they revert back to puppyhood and have a good chew on anything available. Toys, shoes, spoons, walls etc I've given up wondering why!!!