Today is Ziggy's vet op to clean and remove some teeth and also to remove the lump on his leg. I'm not usually an anxious person but when Jasper had his plums off I was the same. I know he'll be fine but that is no help when you have to leave him there.
Hi Jenny, Are,nt we big woosies when it come to taking our dogs to the vets and the say greyhounds are the wimps. Sure Ziggy will be fine, just an excuse to spoil them rotten, not that I need an excuse to spoil them . lol Nora
He only needed a few small teeth out so no major ones. They are sparkling now. He also had a bit of pus around the back teeth so has a few antibiotics for that.
The lump on his leg was just fatty and he has a lovely neon bandage. It is a small superficial scar as it was just on the surface of the leg and he'll have it checked on Friday, so he should be fine for sunday (think we'll be the ones chatting in the car park)
He's a bit dopey and was really pleased to get back to his bed!
Jenny, glad everything went well at the vets today for Ziggy. Bet he will feel brand new soon!! Look forward to seeing you both at Strathie park on Sunday.
So glad to hear Ziggy got on ok at the vets - Love the picture (He looks just like my beloved Charlie who I lost in Sept and still miss!) The black ones are so cute, in my opinion and as they get older and a little grey around the muzzle they turn into truly grey hounds!
Ziggy had his check up at the vet this morning and his leg is healing well.
He has a nice new red bandge which is just to keep him from licking it a bit longer. His paw is a bit swollen but this should go down with his new looser bandage. He has been on usual walks since yesterday and ran up the stairs this morning so he must be fine!