Poor Abbey husnae been huvin much luck durin the last couple o weeks!
First she had to get a broken tooth removed last Thursday. (big molar from the top o her mouth). Said molar wisnae comin oot and the vet had a lot o trouble, this meant that he had to take a bit o her jaw bone with the tooth. Wee soul looked terrible on Thursday night when she got hame. She whimpered until about 2am, or at least that’s when I fell asleep. She has come on leaps and bounds since then and the vet was very happy with her on Wednesday for her check up......... Which then brings me too her next ouch story. Not sure what the technical name is for it, but she is havin problems with her ‘girlie bits’. (Sorry to bring up the subject of my dogs bits!) They are very ulcerated cos she is under developed or as the vet put ‘she has what a puppy would have before she matures’, and urine is burning her. Vet asked what age she was neutered (3yrs) cos this is a condition common in bitches that who are neutered very young, due to lack of oestrogen. (always said she should have been a boy!) The vet and I have been aware of her ‘bits’ problem since last October and have tried various creams/gels etc but nothing has worked so far. So Abbey is on hormone tablets & sudacream (nappy rash cream) for a month and if that doesn’t help she has to get surgery. I feel soooooooo sorry for her, wee soul.
Hiya, i work at the dog and cat home at the weekends and a few years ago there was a small black greyhound bitch called Lilly that had exactly the same thing. She had to have the operation and we joked saying she had had a "fanny tuk" LOL
After the op, she was so much better, could pee normally and was not in pain anymore. She was rehomed to a family in Dundee and has done really well. Thats the only other time ive heard of this op but it worked wonders for Lilly so dont be too worried if thats what your dog has to go for. They just lift the flap of skin cover the "fufu" LOL and expose it more so its more pert and open to the air!
"Adopting just one Greyhound won't change the world, but the world will surely change
for that one Greyhound."
Neeroz, Sorry to hear Abbey had such a complicated tooth removal, but glad that she's recovering well.
The girlie problem sounds painful & distressing. But I must admit Jennifer's tale about the operation brought a smile to my face , (its the way she tells them). It doesn't sound too serious an operation from her description! On a serious note, I hope the problem can be resolved as easy as possible.
When Tyler was examined by the vet due to her urinary incontinence, she said Tyler must have been neutered at a very early age, probably when she had just started to season, as her lady bits were immature also, resembling a young pup. Thankfully she didn't have the painful urine problem and only incontinence which just came on due to her age.
Thanks everyone who replied. At least I now know of another dog who has had the same thing. (never heard if this before,thanks Jennifer). In Abbey's case it must just be a lack of oestrogen as she was three before we had her spayed and she is a bit of a 'boy'! As for the op, if she needs it she gets it, she'll just have cosmetic surgery on her bits! (It all the rage in certain circles, ahm )
She seems to copying ok at the moment, not that she likes the cream getting put. Thats a two man operation!
She'll be at Strathclde park tomorrow to lap up any sympathy!
I used to have a Bitza which had a big bit of greyhound in her although she was smaller than a small greyhound bitch. Her name was Chancer and she was a real star. She had the burning urine problem and the vet dit a bit of plastic surgery around the Vulva, as previously described, "a fanny tuk". This looked really sore but healed in no time and Chancer was fine for the rest of her life. She lived 'till she was 12 and a bit. Interestingly she was speyed at a young age and never came into season.
Alan, Lulu and Douglas's Dad or am I Lulu's dad and Douglas's grandad?
Think it all depends on the dog and her luck. (Abbey havin none, blind in one eye, tuff tooth extraction, scared fae everything and sare bits) Florence was spayed younger than Abbey and she is fine, her teeth are a nightmare tho, where as Abbey teeth have been the best o the mob's until she broke a tooth.
Another 23 tablets to go then back to the vet................keep you all posted.
Abbey's bit are 'ok' at the moment. She is still on the hormone tablets and nappy rash cream. The cream seemed to be helping to take the raw looking redness away. However her 'bits were pretty red at the weekend and there are still two destinct uclers. She still not keen on getting the cream on but I think it soothes her a wee bit.
One thing that makes me laugh about all of this is giving her her tablet each day. We hide it in a 'piece' (sandwich for posh folk), but all four get a wee bit of said piece. So noo when they hear the tablet box opening there is a stampede to get to the kitchen. Aaaa groos and their food............. 13 tablets to go...............
Oh and Ben ripped one o his claws oaf (at the quick) on Friday night just as the vets closed, can groos tell the time?
dave ripped his claw out after vet closing time and daisy decided her leg wasnt getting any better - after closing time. daisy necessitated a trip to emergency vet. that's her pocket money docked for a few months !
Abbey was back at the vet's yesterday for her 'bits' check up. Hormones have made no difference at all, although she isn't as sore looking thanks to the suda cream. So booked in for her op on Wednesday 8th March.
Ben went with Abbey to get his foot (where he snapped his claw oot) checked as well. He met a wee sky terrier (which wanted to rip his face off! ) and a lab, he was good as gold walking past them.......BIG praise!
Well she's hame................lying zonked in the livingroom with the rest o the gang. She looks really sore and she has a lamp shade to wear.(just call her bulb for now!) Vet said she will swell up quite a bit, have to keep an eye on her stitches.
See what kinda night we all have, and hope she's more alert tomorrow.
what a shame i hope she is ok and recovers quickly. Im the same tonight as millie is zonked out on livingroom floor with a blanket over her. The anaesthetic taked ages to wear off eh?! hope you dog is back on her feet soon.
"Adopting just one Greyhound won't change the world, but the world will surely change
for that one Greyhound."
She ate some dinner bout 8pm and managed to go to the toilet, which looked really sore/uncomfortable. Had a really good night last night, only having to get up once to stop Abbey (trying) to lick her wound.
She seems more 'with it' today apart from her wound/stitches & lamp shade driving her mad!
(All the ladies in the vets were walking crossed legged at the thought of what had been done. (Mums must be made of strong stuff! Ouch! ))
Glad she's feeling better today. Millie is too. Millie never ate last night and was still a bit wobbly on her feet this morning but was ok when i got home from work. She has some chicken and rice tonight so must be feeling better.
Millie had a dressing over her wound and it was a nightmare to get off. It was so well stuck i had to cut some of her hair round the sticker to get it off. That was a bit ouch LOL
"Adopting just one Greyhound won't change the world, but the world will surely change
for that one Greyhound."
Back at the vets this morning as Abbey's 'fufu' is ulcerated and swollen again. Gel to numb the pain and sudacream until the 21st July, then back to see what can be done, after the swelling goes down.