Blue is trying his best to sulk with me... The reason his wicked owners have dared to buy him a new bed! A huge donut thing that takes up more room than our arm chair but he prefers his old moth eaten falling to bits bed. For those of you who have young kids the Shnitzal von Krumm basket work book sums up what Blue thinks perfectly " the new bed was smart and a much better fit, was it cosy and comforting.... NO NOT A BIT".
Tried tempting him with a hide chew, he was very brave, put 1 paw on the bed, snatched the chew and ran off.
Oh well I've tried it it's very nice and will be the perfect place for me to catch a snooze if Hazel has had us up all night!
Might be the perfect bed for Hazel at the moment, Amanda! Although that's probably when Blue would want to lie in it too. I'm sure he'll soon get used to it. It's annoying though, when you can't throw the old one out yet.
dave and daisy weren't too keen on their new beds at first but i had a plan. i didn't give them any choice!! out went the old quilt, in came the new beds and, hey presto, within a couple of hours they became attached to the beds to such an extent that i have to heave daisy off just to take it upstairs at bedtime!
After coaxing Blue on to his new bed with fresh baked bread with some cheese spread on he has decided that his bed is rather nice and rarely moves from it. Infact I think I'm going to have to turn him now and again so he doesn't get bed sores
Always makes me laugh when people say "I bet he takes a lot of walking" I have never met a lazier breed of dog.