Snap was at the vet last week as she managed to puncture her right foot between the toes. As usual a difficult spot to treat.
The wound required the usual dressing, bandage and outer bandage. I have a supply of neoprene dog boots for outer protection.
As you know you run through quite a lot of dressings and bandages over a week.
I discovered that Lidl sell a range of sports bandages, some of which are semi adhesive ( red, blue, white) £1.49 for box of 2 They are ideal for the job of bandaging ghound legs and feetI replenish my supply when they are in the Lidl ( Lidl sell a range of non food goods that change every week so you have to stock up when you see things)
ps Snaps wound healed up very quickly as I manged to keep it clean. Remember that it's always best to get your vet to examine any larger wound or wound in a dificult location. The vet usually prescribes anti biotics to prevent infection.