Amanda thanks I just had a wee thought that if the forum wasnt here who would folks turn to for help and advice with like minded grey lovers (and other pets) so I am glad to have contributed to keep it up and running .Love Denise Bovrils MUM
yes that's very true (twice now you've all been here for me!) Thank-you from the bottom of my heart and thank-you to Bovril (and the Noble family) for making that special contribution, it touched us all no end, Still feeling very low Em XX
P.S As is our Chad he is like a different dog. He usually follows me so much I'm tripping over him. Since it happened he has stayed on his bed most of the time. His only joy is to go out for his walks.Am quite concerned (Tig became ill when we lost Charlie and call me obsessive but i'm terrified of it happening again!) He has also been sick twice (but it has been unbearably humid) love to all Em x
Em, try not to worry about Chad - i'm sure that, tho he's missing Tig, he'll adjust in time. As for being sick, Dave has too - I put it down to the heat and the thunder. Love to you all.
Thank you honey for that. I really appreciate the thought- how is Leo? I read about Freddie over the weekend and it set me off again. It is just so sad that alot of us are having to deal with death all at once.
I am on an emotional rollercoaster at the moment and I want to get off. My life seems full of losses at present. I lost Tig (biggest loss) then I sold my house ready to proceed with new house I had offered on. I got gazumped (don't think this can happen in Scotland) but someone else offered more and the sale has proceeded even though chap agreed to wait for me and i only took 2 weeks at the reduced price to sell.(Loss of future home.) People buying my house expressed interest in my fish - decided to leave them as they are too big to move very safely, without risk to them.(another loss.)Found another house yesturday and want it taken off the market if I proceed.Seller reluctant to take off the market unless my chain is watertight. I am waiting for estate agents to come back to me.... (possible more heartache). It has been a terrible week and I am still waiting for Tiger's ashes to come back. I feel I need then close by.
Love to you Eleanor a dear kind soul and the beautiful Leo XXX
You won't believe this but this is the latest... I spoke to estate agents who confirmed my offer is accepted!!! Hurrah now just need to organise a stair lift for my Mum, Chad proof the garden, order a shed oh and pack up my house.
However, the first house I had my eye on was our total ideal and nothing will top it. Imagine my horror today when the estate agents confirmed there was no higher offer after speaking to the other estate agents involved... the vendor was making one up and pretending it was with the other agent in the hope of an increase in our offer. Of course we knew none of this and are not dishonerable enough to want to gazump anyone anyway even if they are none existant - it is a disgusting practise. Therefore we believed him and instead offered on the house we are now buying and have lost our dream home.
I comfort myself with the thought that we could not trust a person like this if we were to buy it and in order to do that we would be letting the person we are buying off down and we know what this feels like.The upturn is the estate agents are so disgusted that they have sent him packing and will not be remarketing his house.He is therefore the loser!
Still waiting for Tig to come home too. I have found a rose on the internet called Tiger it is purple and white (not the most attractive rose I have ever seen but it is fitting). Will wait to order it until we are in our new home.
Hi, Em - I bet that first house would have been riddled with woodworm or other such nasties. What a despicable thing for the owner to do. It's a shame that you've lost out on your dream home but I bet the 'feeling' of the place wouldn't have been as nice as the one you're moving to now. Keep us updated with how things are going! And your rose sounds gorgeous.
Emma, i'm a true believer in "natural justice". As Fiona said, there would have been a big downside on your "dream" house that would have reared its ugly head later on. As for the seller, apart from being dumped by the estate agent, something bad will happen to him to repay him for his deplorable behaviour - take heart in this.
Wishing you good luck for the new venture and the rose sounds just perfect for Tig xxx
Your dream house that fate decided wasn't for you?. Like Fiona said...feelings of a home? Well lets face it the person that previously owned it was obviously a deeply unhappy person or he wouldn't have been such a creep. Who knows what vibes of misery have seeped from him into the walls of that poor house. You have had such a stressful time of late that perhaps it it best that you avoided moving into a place that could have lingering negative vibes.
Natural justice as Dave's Mum believes in?... ... one thing is for sure no matter where that person decides to move to he will be burdened by having to take "Himself" along. I mean the relationship with "Self" is the most important relationship we have ... colours all our relationships and in that ... I guess that man is definately a loser in a whole heap of ways.
Lots of best wishes for the move into your new home. Love the idea of your getting a Tiger rose for Tig.
If I can't watch lurchers running in Heaven...I don't want to go there.
Thanks for affirming what the others had to say about the house owner. I know you are right and it is lovely to hear someone who is clearly in touch with every part of themselves and is enlightened in that special way. Whenever I meet a fellow traveller who has made it along the road of self discovery I feel lifted that I am not alone in my quest.There are so many bitter twisted people who blame everyone around them for all their faults that the few like you are pure gold!
I have collected Tiger now and have him in my front room in his urn, which has been engraved beautifully.Luke spent last night cuddling it as if Tiger himself had his head on Luke's knee. The lad is certainly taking it badly but time is a great healer. I am going to get his rose just as soon as I move but iIdon't know if I can bear to scatter him or not. Maybe I need a little more time myself yet.
There's a company that we found on the internet that you can name roses after people or pets or whatever i suppose, perhaps you could have a tiger rose. Will try and find the info about it for you.
I was just reading through all of the posts about Tiger and my heart sank. My very good friend also lost her greyhound to bone cancer in June and struggled with her decision just as you did. She and I chatted on the phone everyday with the same questions - is it the right time, and I doing the best thing for my boy, is there something more I could be doing? Then one day she snapped a picture of her boy laying on the sofa. When she was uploading the pics to her computer she looked at it and was shocked to see what she couldn't see in person. There was a look in his eyes almost asking her to help him. He was in pain. I truly believe that quality of life is much more important than quantity and as our fur-kids protectors and guardians, we are able to release them from their pain and help them to the bridge. Whether you had 1 day, 1 month or 10 years with him, you were both blessed to have come together. Enjoy the memories because they can never be taken away from you.
Hugs to you.
Jenn, Taylor, Kiki and FTH Pistol
Just caught up with your post and glad to see you now have Tiger home..You hold onto him as long as you need to, something will tell you when the time is right to scatter his ashes. You have so many other things to deal with right now that maybe you would feel better waiting but either way you will know..
love to your family at this difficult time for you all.
Thank you all too, I am touched that so many people are putting such lovely messages on here for me, I am going to be fine I know but as Sharon has said after losing her Freddie it is very up and down at the moment.
I know you are right and it is lovely to hear someone who is clearly in touch with every part of themselves and is enlightened in that special way. Whenever I meet a fellow traveller who has made it along the road of self discovery I feel lifted that I am not alone in my quest.There are so many bitter twisted people who blame everyone around them for all their faults that the few like you are pure gold!
In a rescue hound group you will never be alone in your quest...the dark forest before some kind of enlightenment?......lots of us know that there are few better companions that anyone can seek to share that challenge other than a rescue hound with its fierce loyalty to someone that has given it the kind of care and attention that it hadn't known before?
If I can't watch lurchers running in Heaven...I don't want to go there.