Harry is at school, Eve is at nursery and for once Hazel has decided to have a nap whilst they are out. So have I been able to sit with my feet up .... err no. For some strange reason Blue decided it would be great fun to shred my daughters latest sticking and gluing master piece and spit it out into little pices all over the living room. Eve was very proud of it and so I have spent the last half an hour trying to find matching boxes and recreating it so she can show daddy.
Oh Amanda poor you. I've been there. Alix came home from playgroup with a "cake" for Daddy it had green icing and bright red snake sweets on top but she was so proud of it.......and you guessed it Sunny ate it when we were not looking. Oh there was tears and tantrums.
Good luck with the glue!
Landess and Sunny.
Greyhounds are like chocolates, one is just never enough.
Amanda, Good luck with the reconstruction Hope Eve thinks it's just as good as hers, cos as all us parents know our kids seem to remember every last bit of paper, box, stick, yoghurt pot and glue that they use.
crisis avoided when Dad came home Eve proudly showed him the creation and announced "look Dad I did it all by myself" I never knew I had such artistic talents