Sorry to be crude and lower the level of the forum - but - we have noticed (and we're sure that she's not alone) that Tilly tends to be very windy! We read that this is fairly common in Greyhounds but wondered if anyone has any remedial suggestions? We've tried natural yoghurt in her food but if anything that made it worse! It certainly doesn't seem to bother her but it is starting to make our wallpaper curl!
I'm afraid it is probably just hold your nose and grit your teeth for now. I'm right in thinking you haven't had Tilly long? Blue was dreadful for the first 2-3 months until he settled down think it tends to be a nervous/stress thing that eventully gets better. I'm sure I've heard from others that their dogs were the same when they first got them. Unfortunatly it doesnt go away completely as Blue can still evacuate a room in record time on odd occasions
Millie had really bad wind when i first got her but it settled down after a while. I think it is a thing they have when they are new though, as Millie very rarely passes wind now. Hope things improve for you soon
"Adopting just one Greyhound won't change the world, but the world will surely change
for that one Greyhound."
Sunny can clear a room in seconds. It did calm down alot after the first few weeks but now if she has wind I know she has eaten something she shouldn't have. The worst was cereal bars dropped by my two year old. Sunny would be across the room and eat it before it had hit the floor, and you just knew the smell that night would be bad.
All I can suggest is watch whats shes eating and is she stealing food that you don't know about.
If not it clothes pegs and open windows im afraid
Landess and Sunny
Greyhounds are like chocolates, one is just never enough.
No chance of Tilly stealing any food as there's never any going begging here! Yes, Tilly is new to us, so maybe that is adding to the issue! Thanks for the comments so far - any other suggestions (other than windows open, clothes pegs and plug-in air fresheners - which we've tried!) please let us know!
Yes I can also say it should get better. Daz's wind was much worse when he first came and took about three months before he either ate a whole meal, did solid looking poo or stopped nightly room clearing farting episodes. It's still not great, he still has one or two evenings a week where he can be particularly unpleasant to watch TV with but I guess I'm just learning to blot it out of my awareness as best I can. It also helps if we can persuade him to have an early evening poo but that's not always negotiable ;)
We use Wagg food too, even though it is actually one of the cheaper brands it also turned out to be one of the least wind creating that we tried. He's on a mix of Autarky and Wagg which seems to suit him well but Autarky alone was windier.