Could any one tell me please ,very delicate this ,any idea how much it would cost to have our boy slick neutered,wasn't done when we got him ,so it's time now.also what's the procedure of this event??: thanks
Hi Myra, not too sure what the costs are down south, up here in Scotland you'll get a neutering op done from anywhere between £75 - £150 depends really on the vet, I'm not sure why there's such a big difference between some of them though. Procedure? quite simple really drop dog off at vets in the morning, pick sleepy dog up from vets in the evening, lots of TLC for a couple of days and Slick will be back to his usual self...
we had dave(thedog) neutered last march and took the opportunity of having his teeth scaled at the same time, the total cost was about £160.
procedure much as Dave explained - sleepy dog minus plums!! the empty scrotum hangs around looking silly for a few weeks but eventually shrinks to nothing ! for some reason i can't fathom, dogs don't seem to need pain relief and dave certainly carried on as if nothng had happened.
We had our last dog neutered and it really didn't seem to bother him, although he did occasionally have a look as if to say "where are they?" for the first couple of weeks. As far a prices go, probably between £80 and £150 depending on the vet and size of dog. Depending where you are "down south" the RSPCA or Blue Cross may be able to offer it for less. Sure he'll soon forgive you wherever you take him!