Hi Folks, our first can collections for the kennel fund were held on Friday and Saturday at ASDA in Bishopbriggs, a big thanks to the volunteers and dogs who gave up their free time to rattle a can, the total raised over both days was an amazing £428.40
Jenny - we'll be at Haddington this Saturday coming, if you and Millie are up for it!
Hiya, i'll be at work on Saturday so wont be able to help. I work weekends at the kennels and wont be able to get next weekend off as just took that last Sunday off to come to the Edinburgh walk at Holyrood Park. Im doing my sponsored walk for GAL on Friday so i'll let you know how we get on with that
"Adopting just one Greyhound won't change the world, but the world will surely change
for that one Greyhound."
not only did we generate a good sum of money,but over 200 leaflets were handed out,so hopefully promote some interest,in fact I believe Caroline actually handed out an adoption form. As Joyce said if we had more volunteers we could certainly have raised double that amount
Dave did someone organise collecting the money from the buckets,I can if needed or is their events organiser posting you a cheque?
Don't want to keep on and on (OK I do!) But I really enjoyed the can collection on Saturday and if you buddy up with someone you can have a brilliant laugh and look after each others dogs when you go to the loo or for a coffee!
Come on folks it is a great way of getting GAL funds and raising awareness. Not to mention getting to know other GAL members.
How did the collection go at Asda Livingstone on the Sunday?
I spoke to the Events Organiser at Asda Bishopbriggs - can someone let me know if the buckets at the checkouts for the Friday AND the Saturday were collected. She seems to think the Friday was picked up but is unsure about the Saturday as she wasn't in.
We have been invited back - I'll let you know the date when I get it.
Thanks again all the volunteers - that was a brilliant result.
Carol J
PS Next one so far is Sainsburys in Edinburgh and Asda Robroyston in Glasgow. Will keep plugging away if there is the interest.
I was at Bishopbriggs on Saturday and I'm afraid I didn't know about the buckets at the checkouts. I don't think anything was picked up from inside the store.
I knew there were buckets at every checkout, but someone said the proceeds were being picked up on Monday as the buckets were left the entire weekend, including Sunday!