I received this note earlier from Annette, thanks to her for judging and a big congratulations to our winner! A shockingly large trophy will be winging it's way to our best in show very soon and all the class winners will be receiving medals, well done everyone, we'll def be doing this again next year so get snapping!!
3rd Place: KATIE
4th Place: MUFFIN & MANTA
5th Place: TIMMY
6th Place: BILLY MARTIN (face in focus)
As you can see, I don't take competitions too seriously. Our dogs are to be enjoyed and loved and we all know we have the nicest ones, making our lives so much richer.
The photos are great. The idea is brilliant and I send everyone at GAL my best wishes and congratulations. It seems like yesterday when I first met Denise at Bothwell Bridge and look at you now!
I loved the winning picture. The first time I saw it I laughed out loud! I voted for him, but was just glad that it was not my carpet he was going to shake all over! (sorry to sound shallow)
Great to see a dog so obviously loving life! Well done to the Trooper and his owner. What's Trooper's origins?
I adore Trooper's pic, and I think it really epitomises what our hounds are all about: enjoying their lives to the fullest and doing what they love best!
I wonder though, how long did it take to remove all the snowballs from Trooper's coat?!
Well done, Trooper, you're a star! What a great time you had in the snow! I'm just glad I didn't have to melt all these snowballs attached to your coat!
Congratulations to Trooper, and all the other winners in this show. It's been great fun (despite us being useless and not getting our act together to enter!) and the piccies have kept me oohing and aaahing for ages. Gorgeous dogs, each and every one.
Well done to all the winners, and to everybody who entered. Like other posters, I was amazed at the quality of the pics and, of course, all the dogs are beautiful.