One of the people who we often meet walking their dogs at Newhailes has been telling us for ages that her daughter has a dog called Harvey that is the image of Malcolm. Took it with a pinch of salt but we finally met Harvey at John Muir the other day and I think I can see her point now...
What an amazing picture! Two peas in a pod spring to mind! Malcolm and his friend Harvey share a likeness, but the photo is well taken with a super background. Are these two related in any way?
These 2 are really alike, quite amazing really! Malcolm is so like George & Maia, but these guys really were separate at birth!
We were looking over some puppy pictures that Dave very kindly sent us when we got G & M last year, there are quite a few of Malcolm and he is sooo like George. The only other dog we have met from the litter is Toby, would be great to see how many of them we could get together at a family reunion....
Dino, Im sure I transported Harvey for GAL last year...think Sha fostered him...could be wrong, if not he's a doppleganger for that Harvey too, as well as Malcy. Hope you managed to take the right dog home with you!
They say owners look like their dogs...Im still waiting to morph into a super fit, lean machine with legs up to my armpits...
Suzanne, I don't think this Harvey has ever been a GAL dog. Anne got him from the Cat & Dog home when he was a pup (I think, the forgetory isn't what it used to be...) and he is about 3 years old now... He's a real sweetheart and Malcolm took to him straight away which is unusual as he's normally a bit suspicious of greys...
I think its fair to say that the IQ of a group of adolescent males can be calculated by dividing the IQ of the stupidest one by the total number of adolescent males present... and these two big goofy boys were like a slightly ginger Dumb & Dumber...