Check this out. Harry has this 'special' spot on his side/rump and if we rub it just right, it makes his back leg twitch and twitch. You see in the piccie that his leggie is raised, but if the pic were a video then you'd see his leg wheeching back and forth as we tickle him. And doesn't he look a wee bit tipsy as well? It's hilarious, bless him. Naturally, we are laughing with him and not at him.
Both mine look as if they are riding a bike if you tickle then at a particular spot on their necks. They also pull a funny face at the same time! Very amusing!!
Cas loves getting her back end above her tail scratched, she puts on a silly face and turns to sit on your lap. With Sasha it is on her side above her front leg and she grins a lopsided smile. Nora
It must be the G-spot for greyhounds! When I scratch Vegas's G-spot, his hind leg acts as if IT is scratching the same spot!! And he gets that ecstatic look on his face at the same time.
i've not found the twitchy spots on dave and daisy but previous two dogs definitely had the g-spots !! i'll keep looking for them - even if i don't find them, at least dave and daisy will get loads more strokes !!