Well folks we've now reached the end of the first quarter of the first year of our Kennel Fund appeal so I thought I'd give you all an update of where we are, you've probably noticed of late an increasing amount of activity on this forum, as we get into summer Carol & Tracey will be working even harder organising Can Collections, Car Boot Sales and a huge number of other activities so keep logging on and keep thinking about ways you can help!!
So, our target is to reach £20,000 by the end of this year which means by the end of the first quarter our target is £5,000. Well I'm sad to we've not quite reached this target however I'm happy to say we're only £5.75 short!!...
The total raised by the end of March is a staggering £4994.25 so a HUGE well done and thanks to everyone who's helped out so far.
I've only counted in this total the amount of money banked and I've been a bit slow so there's still about £500 worth of can collection money and various other bits and bobs to pay in so I'd say we're doing rather well!
As a breakdown of this amazing total we have the following -
Bank Interest £5.41
Fundraising £1080.84
Buy a Brick £1075.00
Donations £1030.00
Online Dog Show £303.00
Trust Funds £1500.00
A huge thanks to every one of our volunteers that have helped out, we can't do this without you guys.
Finally a special mention to some of the big donations we've received -
Esther's Ceilidh (£262) Car Boot Sales (£338) Football Cards (£65) Charity Day at Work (£257) Livingston Can Collection (£140) SKY TV Auction (£60) Sale of Handmade Cards (£100) GE Plastics (£50) Collar a Sighthound (£52) Rosie's Painting (£26) Trotter Charitable Trust (£1,000) Yorkshire Building Society (£500)
Dave, I've got trolley token money in the house - and managed to sell another couple at SPCA today! But of course very covert operation! So that should take the total over the target. Well done to everyone and thanks very much Dave for the info! It's a great incentive!
thats fantastic stuff Dave - please of please can you update the "Follow our progress" section of the main kennel fund page as I keep looking at the wee money guage to see if its moved and it aint.... cheers
They say owners look like their dogs...Im still waiting to morph into a super fit, lean machine with legs up to my armpits...