She refuses, point blank, to greet a neighbouring greyhound bitch with anything but aggression but yet loves to play with the yorkie pup that lives next door to it??
What I would give to know what goes on in their heads.
Maybe it's cos it's another girly? We used to have a bitch who couldn't abide other females. If the Yorkie pup is also a bitch, maybe being so young it feels less of a threat.
I don't think it is as simple as not liking one sex or the other. But my girl does tend to prefer dogs to bitches. Then again there are some dogs she does not like at all and there are some bitches she does like or at least tolerate. There are a few dogs that she just loves to bits and she does tend to have a thing about collies in that she reverts to her two year old behaviour of doing everything but standing on her head to get them to play with her. Then again if they are border terriers she absolutely hates them.
I think dogs are like people. Some folks we like and some we don't!
Tilly in general is good with the vast majority of dogs. Some she will go out of her way to say hello to, others she'll just walk on by and ignore them. She seems not to like the same dogs that our previous dog didn't like, so they must give of bad vibes or something. She seems to like extremes - she has two cavalier king charles spaniel friends, a cairn terrier friend, an irish setter friend (who she adores and flirts with terribly) and a great dane friend.
I think the sex thing can come into it at times. When I was a rehomer, I tended to find that two bitches together was often not a good combination. They would have their differences but never quite get them sorted out and any arguments would keep on reoccuring (and they say dogs are different to humans!). Two males on the other hand if they had any differences would perhaps have one quick scrap and get over it. Invariably the best combination tended to be a male and a female together (assuming one or both were neutered!) - the "top dog" was more often than not the bitch (perhaps that was just the dog letting her think she was top dog!). It does depend on the individual though.
Kayri used to be great with all dogs regardless of their shape, size or sex!
As her confidence has grown over the years so has her aggression. She has two boyfriends, both mongrels who she just loves to bit and is beside herself with joy whenever she sees them. Then, are the dogs she shows no interest in at all. THEN, at the other end of the scale are the dogs she just cannot stand and is so aggressive towards them it's embarrassing.
I feel really guilty that she shows such aggression to this greyhound bitch as she was only rehomed a few months ago and is really nervous and timid. I tell her she has a very short memory and should remember what is was like for her when she was first rehomed, but I don't think she listens! Maybe she's jealous that she's not the only skinny, sad-eyed, long-legged beautiful chick on the street anymore?
I'm planning to bring her to the Vet School Rodeo so we'll see how she gets on then. I'll be the one with the greyhound brindle bitch who's barking and snarling at every canine she sees!
On the plus side, she adores children and lives happily with my three cats so I suppose she can't be perfect. Although she is to me anyway.