When I got up this morning I noticed Morse was limping slightly, so I thought I'd wait until I got home from work to see if he had improved any. He's still limping this evening, but still wants to go for a walk! I'll not be able to get him to the vet until tomorrow, if I can get an appointment. Just wondered if anyone had any tips on how to make him more comfortable? He keeps forgetting about it and pouncing on his toys - I'm just worried he'll make himself worse...
Hi Gillian, poor Morse I don't know what your vet is like but mine dosn't mind you phoning out of hours to get advice if you are worried.
It does sound like you are more worried than Morse if he is still jumping around and wanting out. Sunny had a sprain a few months ago, she never looked as though it was really hurting her except the slight limp, she was still asking to go out and wanting to run round like an idiot After advice I kept her on the lead for 6 weeks and reduced the lenght of her walks and it worked limp gone.
All I can suggest is to keep him on the lead and only short walks till you get him to the vet. And if your worried tonight, give your vet a call.
Hope he is okay.
Landess and Sunny
Greyhounds are like chocolates, one is just never enough.
I'm going to call the vet in the morning and see what they suggest. In the meantime I'm sure Morse will make the most of being spoiled rotten by his concerned owners!!
Poor Morse! Vegas often pulls a muscle when he's racing like a lunatic round the field where we take him for exercise. Like Landess says, a couple of days of gentle walks on the lead soon sort him out. But phone the vet if you're worried that Morse will make his leg worse by forgetting that it's injured already! He'll certainly enjoy being thoroughly spoiled and I happen to know that a pilchard or two helps sore legs enormously!
Gillian, have I gotten confused - did you end up keeping Morse after all? Or have I mixed you up with Santa's Little Helper and paired you off erroneously?
I think you must have gotten confused - but there are two different Morses out there so maybe that's the reason..
We took Morse to the vet about his foot and she took a stone out of his foot (tiny little thing!) and bandaged it up. He seems to be getting better, but the problem now is that we're supposed to take the bandage off... Needless to say Morse is not very keen on this course of action! He got so stressed the last time we tried that we gave up. I'm hoping he'll manage it himself - then the vet won't think we're completely incompetent I'm just a sucker for those big brown eyes... He still manages to jump around at the prospect of a walk, so I'm starting to think he's putting on the limp to keep the treats coming! Devious dog
Hope you manage to get the bandage of. Glad to hear that the problem was something simple and he does not use it to much to get tea and symphathy. LOL Nora
Was the grit actually embedded in his pad? If so, might be an idea to put a doggy boot on for a while when out walking once the bandage comes off - this is what I was advised for a similar problem, as the vet thought that more foreign bodies may work their way in through the small lesion.