looking forward to dave and daisy's readings, quite happy to be patient and i, too, will buy two bricks in celebration of your gift, it's a fascinating from here
I think a lot of Oscar's split personality comes from his being a gemini - I should know, I am gemini too and his birthday is a few days after mine! Petra is a Virgo, same as my mum
Kirsten if you're not fed up of this by now, pleeeeaaase can I have a reading for my 2?
Oscar DOB 8 June 1997
Petra DOB 6 SEP 1998
And I am happy to buy 2 bricks too, once I work out how to!
Hi guys, just checked in to take down all the dog birthdays - eighteen! charts to do. Whereas I did them in order of posting previously, I will now give preference to those who have offered to buy a brick per reading. (Thanks for suggesting and starting it off, folks, it feels brilliant to be able to contribute this way!)
Just to make sure I've got it down right - bricks have been promised for Dave and Daisy Pearly and Harry Florence, Abbey, Dexter and Kai Oscar and Petra
Please correct me if I included wrong ones, or left out potential donors!
Sorry everyone - haven't managed to fit it in today, been gardening hard. One has to take advantage of the good weather... Definitely doing the charts tomorrow morning. Have added Janie to the list, thanks.
Off for a long slob on the sofa (under the hound) now.
Sorry for being thick, but how do I buy bricks? Send cheque to Dave - where and for how much, anyone?
Hi Olga, really simple! log onto our Kennel Fund website - http://kennelfund.gal.org.uk/ - click on 'current campaigns' then click on 'buy a brick' then just follow the instructions!!..
Janie has her Sun and Mercury in Leo - the Sun is at home in Leo, which is why Leo Sun is almost always a powerful placement. Leos are the centre of the universe (in their opinion, at least), with a forceful personality, full of energy and vitality; at the same time they are easily hurt. Janie probably thinks that she is the alpha dog in your home! Her Sun is directly opposite Uranus (in its rightful home of Aquarius), which would make her difficult on occasion, and hard to control. Her Mercury is directly opposite Neptune (also in Aquarius), contributing 'an element of cunning and a tendency to scheme'.
Her Venus is in Virgo, which would make her somewhat aloof, needing fewer cuddles than some dogs.
The Moon is in Gemini. In humans, this indicates the tendency to respond to most situations with a torrent of words - does Janie bark and 'talk' a lot?
All in all, her chart suggests a headstrong, lively dog - not always easy, but rewarding when handled right.
Pearly has four placements in Cancer - the Sun, Moon, Mercury and Jupiter. In addition to that, the Moon is at home in Cancer, so she is very very 'crabby'! Quite sensitive and defensive, easily hurt, with a tendency to withdraw and snap when she feels threatened or neglected. (The 'snap' is not necessarily a physical bite, but could be snarling, growling, unfriendliness.) Emotional, subject to moodiness, easily worried - there may be a tendency to get digestive problems when worried, and she may have sensitive skin. Nevertheless, she would make an excellent mother (not that I'm advocating reckless breeding!) as Cancer Moons are very family orientated, caring and protective. Cancer Moon is also linked to intuition and psychic powers, so she might well be one of those dogs who knows when dad is coming home five minutes before the car pulls up.
Pearly's Venus is in Gemini, which would balance out a little of that extreme Cancerdom. She needs some 'intellectual stimulus', i.e. a bit of a mental challenge; have you taught her any tricks? (Is it possible to teach tricks to greyhounds?) Perhaps a game of hide and seek with treats...
Her Venus is directly opposite Mars (in Sagittarius) - that can mean emotional conflict, and repression; quoting directly from Parker's Astrology: "Sometimes the individual is a victim of undue unkindness from others and has to develop a thick skin in order to cope with this." Her Mars placement indicates high physical enery levels, with a need for challenging excercise, otherwise she'll get restless (and yes, that could be said for most dogs!).
Looking at her chart in total, I notice that all her planets are clustered in two areas, top and bottom, which would indicate a certain duality of character, with two sets of needs and talents that are not necessarily compatible. The top of the chart (Cancer and Gemini) is dominant, however.
Harry - 4/12/2001
Harry is quite the Sagittarian, with Sun, Mercury and Venus placed there. He'll be keen and enthusiastic, to the point of being restless and reckless. Sagittarius is the archer aka the hunter - with three placements there, I would imagine that he'll go after everything that moves!
His Moon is either in Cancer or in Leo. Cancer Moon, as above, a very strong influence, making him respond defensively, with a tendency to moodiness and a strong intuition. He'd have a strong emotional bond with Pearly because of the shared Moon. Leo Moon, on the other hand, would make him respond enthusiastically and exuberantly, with a tendency to bossiness. He would be the leader of the little pack, and probably upset Pearly frequently.
There are three placements in Aquarius, and although two of them are not personal planets (Uranus and Neptune tend to affect whole generations because they move so slowly), the triple placing with Mars and the fact that Uranus rules Aquarius strengthen their influence. Harry will be quite independent and freedom-loving, a bit unpredictable and possibly stubborn. Can be 'zany' to the point of embarrassment!
Saturn in Gemini wouldn't be quite such a big deal (making Harry very clever, perhaps a bit quiet, which would be a positive counterbalance to the zaniness) - except that it is in direct opposition to the Sun and Mercury. This could have caused lack of self-confidence, especially if he was treated harshly as a pup, or it may just restrain the reckless Sagittarian nature a bit. There may also be a certain slyness.
All in all, Harry is probably less extreme than Pearly, because the Saturn opposition calms down the firecracker Sagittarius personality. There's still more eccentricity than restraint in his chart, though!
Anyanka wrote: Murphy is another Virgo, but more so. He has Sun, Mercury, Venus and Jupiter in Virgo - Mercury is at home in Virgo (as well as in Gemini), which emphasises the placement even more. A born worrier, lacking self-confidence, nervous and restless but very bright. Shy and charming. - Does he have 'considerable literary skills'? Ah, that old problem of holding the pen... if only...
Mars opposite Jupiter - same as Blue - therefore restless with a tendency to overdo things. Mars in Pisces, and in conjunction with Uranus means that Murphy is quite determined and that in spite of his shyness he can be quite obstinate. He is very emotional, and I hope he's been neutered... otherwise he'll be off after the ladies with particular vigour.
Moon in Taurus - he needs security more than most, and responds very defensively when his home is threatened (I think this may mean something as simple as barking ferociously at the postman).
Thankyou so much for that! VERY interesting - Murf is most definately a born worrier - ridiculously so, def lacks confidence but this is improving now he has a wee sister to protect (which - again, he does so if she is threatened by other dogs - he has also defended my little brother who is mentally disabled from attack by dogs & now does not leave Michaels side if we are all out walking together - very touching!). He is def obstinate at times & emotionally very very needy - milks this to the best of his ability by needing all the hugs & sympathy he can get ...brilliant read! the only bit not quite right was the vigour for chasing the ladies! LOl - its usually the other way around & he gets LOTS of attention from both girl & boy dogs who take a shine to him! - hes always coy with the girls tho & runs away & the boys, if they get a bit amorous get a good telling off!
Spooky stuff! well done & thankyou. Ill donate to the KF too when I get paid.
ps - re the literary bit - I had to laugh as ive always said that some of the 'looks' Murphy gives me at times looks like he is peering disapprovingly over the top of half rimmed spectacles perched on the end of his nose - just like a librarian ticking you off!
They say owners look like their dogs...Im still waiting to morph into a super fit, lean machine with legs up to my armpits...
With Mercury and the Sun closely aligned in Leo, Dave is the boss at home (or thinks he is). Enthusiastic, exuberant, self-centred, with a big big personality. Uranus and Neptune are in the opposite sign of Aquarius, though, with Neptune in direct opposition to both Mercury and the Sun. This may cause some nervous tension, and he is clever with a cunning, scheming streak. I imagine that he doesn't ever think he's done anything wrong, and hence won't take so well to behavioural checks.
Venus is in Cancer, aligned with Jupiter, making Dave particularly sensitive, with a capacity for suffering. He needs his comfort, security and lots of affection, and likes his toy basket to be well stocked with good quality toys (but I'm not sure how a dog defines 'quality' ). He is affectionate and loving, charming and popular (and may well use his charm to get extra treats all around).
If he was born early in the day, his Moon is in Capricorn, which is an awkward placement exactly opposite from its home sign which would tone down his Leo exuberance. By noon, the Moon has moved into Aquarius, which lends a very attractive personality. Either placement makes for a cool, calm, distant type of response though. He will want to check out the other person or dog carefully before getting too close.
There may well be a Moon/Neptune conjunction combined with a Moon/Sun opposition (the Moon moves fast, so this would only apply if Dave was born in the second half of the day), in which case he is very kind and unaggressive, which causes some conflict with his Leo personality! He would also be restless and discontent, with a bit of a 'split personality', Moon and Sun pulling him in exactly opposite directions.
Mars is in Sagittarius, opposite to the Gemini Saturn, indicating high energy levels and good intelligence, as well as a desire to win. Is he an ex-racer? If so, he would have been one to bet on. He may push himself to the brink of exhaustion, though, with a marked duality - blowing hot and cold, switching from enthusiasm to depression.
Daisy - 22/9/2002
Daisy has a 'splash' chart, with placements sprinkled all around the Zodiac. This usually indicates a well-balanced personality, with no extreme tendencies, but also the inclination to scatter one's energies (not a big problem in a dog, of course, but she would definitely lose a race with her mate Dave).
Sun and Mars in Virgo, hence quite edgy, tense, nervous; she needs a lot of exercise. Mercury in Libra makes Daisy a bit of a slow learner, with poor concentration; it also reduces the Virgoan Worrywart symptoms a little. Venus in Scorpio: I hope she's been spayed! Otherwise, this is one sexy beast, with a tendency to jealousy.
Daisy's Moon is in Aries, giving her a quick - sometimes hasty - temper, possbily accident prone. The Moon is opposite Mercury, which increases the sharpness of her response. It can also cause digestive problems and nervous upsets.
Same as Dave, and quite a few of the other dogs here, her Uranus and Neptune are in Aquarius, which lends a certain eccentricity and independence to all dogs of that generation (Uranus spends around seven years in each sign, Neptune hangs around twice as long!) I only make reference to the generational planets when they relate to other areas of the chart; in Daisy's case, Neptune is directly opposite Jupiter, which makes her kind and sympathetic, but also dreamy and forgetful. Apparently it can indicate a vulnerability to gas fumes or fish poisoning, so don't feed her sardines in the garage...
Summing up, the overriding impression I get from Daisy's chart is that of a scatty dog, not particularly difficult.
Suzanne, thanks for the feedback! Apart from Murphy's attitude to the opposite sex, that sounds like I read it correctly. So far, the results vindicate my interest in astrology: Although it cannot be defended on scientific grounds, it just seems to work.
Perhaps it is time to hire that fairground stall and don a gipsy costume (which would not look at all ridiculous on my Germanic frame...)
That's very, very interesting about Harry and Pearly. Here's some feedback on each of them.
Pearly: she is quite sensitive and gets worried when she thinks that people/dogs aren't behaving as they should - manifests by barking a lot whenever we stand around and chat for too long at the GAL walks! Her tummy does get upset if she's feeling stressed (the linving-room was rank with greyhound farts the night we brought Harry home!). Very, very interesting about her making an excellent mother, because the doggy-psychic said that Pearly really, really wants a puppy and that she wants to slaver over her toys and love them. She's a very licky girl, always free with her kisses. She is also very quick and clever, and she loves clicker training and learning new things. Another interesting thing that the doggy-psychic said is that Pearly has been bullied by male dogs in her past, and she does seem to feel more comfortable with other females or less rufty-tufty males - this seems to concur with her chart.
Harry: he is extremely keen and enthusiastic!! We often joke that he's not a proper greyhound cos he's always willing and excited to go out for a walk. He can be quite restless and is a lot more inclined to follow us around to see what we're up to than Pearly does - in fact, our nickname for him is "Noseybonk" (after the cartoon character with the big white head and hooter). He is quite exuberant with Pearly, which does upset her. Not sure about the strong bond, though I suspect that he likes her more than she likes him as he does try to initiate play. They're not really a good combination, our two!! He's so OTT and she over-reacts. He can be a little zany, and he has many more Mad Moments than does Pearly. Though I wish he was a bit more independent, as he's taken to chewing things if we go out at times other than within our normal routine. He definitely has a touch of slyness about him - he knows that he musn't take toast crusts, etc, off our plates, but everything is fair game the moment our backs are turned if he thinks we're not watching. He once nabbed my breakfast out of the toaster, the wee buggah!
All in all, very interesting and accurate assessments of our two. I'll keep these and digest them thoroughly.
Fantastic feedback, Fiona (And Alliterations All Around), thank you! I'm stunned at how well these readings are working out - after all, I'm only an amateur, using a computer programme to calculate the charts, and a pile of books to back up what I've learned by now.
Id be well up for that - although dare say it be done via PM once Kirsten sees the bricks in place!! - just dont want everyone to know just how young I am...LOL
Kirsten - at this rate, youll have the kennels built all by yourself!
They say owners look like their dogs...Im still waiting to morph into a super fit, lean machine with legs up to my armpits...
I just turned my back (my server was down for an hour or so) - and there's more demands for more charting!!!
But actually, I'd be very happy to do people charts as well - I have looked at the wall and found the sight of 'my' bricks quite thrilling! - however, it may be some time before I can commit to that as I have an exhibition from 15-21 May, then the Artists' Open Studios from 3-11 June, and a week's training for my new job at the same time!
May I suggest one brick for a quick reading (like the dog ones), but two if you know your time of birth (I understand that Scottish birth certificates record that information, very laudable...) and would like a bit more info.
Thanks to whoever came up with the tag of Anyanka's Astrology. It has a ring to it... Anyanka is my usual forum name (I frequent a number of places), chosen when I could not longer have my own name without a number attached to it (I am not a number, I am a Kirsten), and inspired by my alter ego from 'Buffy'.
Oh, and should you be at all curious as to the nature of the exhibitions mentioned above: My website
Florence has Sun and Saturn in Taurus, and therefore needs material comfort and security more than most. She is quite stoical and patient. She is also possessive with things and people, although the Gemini Venus moderates the latter a little, and makes her charming and loving.
Her Moon is in Capricorn, making her emotional responses rather restrained, cool and aloof, cautiously checking out the other person or dog before getting close.
Mercury and Jupiter are in Aries; she'll be a very clever dog, decisive and quick-thinking, assertive, enthusiastic and possibly argumentative (not so much physically, but with barks and growls). A certain adventurousness and love of freedom may translate into leaps over fences...
Mars changes signs that day, moving backwards from Scorpio into Libra. If in Scorpio, it would make her relationships with other dogs (and possibly with people, although I believe that is more in the realm of Venus) intense and passionate; while a Libran Mars would emphasise a need for harmony, with reduced willpower and enthusiasm.
There are no strong aspects between any of the planets (aspects are the angles formed by two placements; I have been concentrating on oppositions and conjunctions in these dog readings) which indicates an absence of inner tension.
All in all, Florence strikes me as a slow, cautious dog who loves her food, bed and toys, but doesn't need huge amounts of affection. I don't think she is much of a 'problem dog'.
Abbey - 25/10/1998
Abbey is quite the Scorpio with Sun, Venus and Mercury in the sign; Sun and Venus sitting on the Libran cusp in close conjunction with each other, and in direct opposition to Saturn (in Taurus). Scorpio is 'dark water' - something goes on underneath the surface, but you can't see it... She'll be loving, but very guarded and intense; intuitive, with formidable determination. She'll be very intelligent, but can become obsessive. Hire her out to a detective agency, perhaps as a bloodhound. Of course, she may just use her detective mind to find rabbits or cats... (My lurcher Bonnie has Scorpio Sun and Mercury, and is an obsessive rabbit and squirrel hunter; her 'detective' skills consist of relentless digging in rabbit holes). Abbey will be jealously possessive of those she loves, too.
The Sun/Saturn opposition can have very negative effects, causing a lack of self-confidence and also a tendency to catch colds and chills easily. She may suffer from aches and pains more than the other dogs, too. The Venus/Saturn opposition inhibits Abbey's ability to show affection (Saturn is always the great restrictor and inhibitor) - together with the Scorpio guardedness this may make it difficult for her to open up to tenderness.
Her Moon is either in Sagittarius or in Capricorn, the difference is easy to tell. Sagittarius Moon responds with enthusiasm and joy, whereas Capricorn holds back cautiously, all aloof and cool.
Mars is in Virgo, making her edgy, tense and restless, especially around other dogs.
Generally, Abbey strikes me as a very intense dog. Watch her tail - does she carry it curved over her back when excited, like a Scorpion (my girl does...)? Her major placements are exactly opposite Florence's Taurean placements, so they should be pretty much chalk and cheese to one another!
Dexter - 22/9/2002
Dexter is another one with a 'splash' chart, planets placed fairly evenly all around the zodiac, indicating a comparatively 'normal' personality (certainly compared to Abbey's intensity). He has his Sun and Mars in Virgo, hence quite edgy, tense, nervous; needs a lot of exercise.
Mercury in Libra, and therefore needs peace and harmony around him. He likes comfort and pleasure. His concentration isn't great, so training him probably took a while. He might even come across as a bit stupid, but he may only be slow because he's weighing up all the possibilities - the symbol of Libra is a pair of scales, not your new-fangled digital ones, but old ones that have to go up and down for some time before they settle...
His Moon is in Aries, with the resulting quick or hasty temper, and a tendency to be accident prone. The Moon is more or less directly (depending when exactly Dexter was born) opposite Mercury, increasing the likelihood of aggressive responses, at least verbally (growls & barks).
Venus is in Scorpio (he should relate well to Abbey in his emotional needs); his capacity for loving is intense.
Mars is in Virgo, making him a bit restless and nervous. There's a tendency to nervous stomach upsets; possibly skin problems if there's tension or bad diet.
Jupiter and Neptune are opposite each other in Leo and Aquarius, therefore (as with Daisy above) he'll be kind and sympathetic, but also dreamy and forgetful; and it can indicate a vulnerability to gas fumes or fish poisoning, so no pilchards by the motorway for Dexter either.
Doh, I've only just realised why this reading has so very many familiar bits in it. Are Dexter and Daisy siblings, or is the shared birthday a coincidence?
Either way, please have a look at my comments on Ivor and Ruby (yet to come) for explanations on the differences between litter mates (or other sharers of birthdays)!
Kai - December 2003
First of all, let me remark that I have never heard of a dog called Kai before, but that it is my older brother's name (on the other hand, after deciding to name my first daughter Kyra, and knowing no other humans with that tag, I met a number of dogs by that name, mostly in Germany...)
By Sun sign, Kai will be either a Sagittarius or a Capricorn. They are quite different - Sagittarius (throughout the first two thirds of December, ending before midnight on the 22nd) is a firecracker, full of enthusiasm, vigour and energy, with a strong independent streak, and a keen hunting instinct. The word 'boisterous' comes to mind. A Capricorn dog, on the other hand is calm and cautious, much more obedient and easy to train, but lacking a sense of humour.
For most of December, Mercury is in Capricorn, which would indicate a slow but steady learner, determined and decisive, counteracting the Sagittarian tendencies - or (in the last third of the month) making him a double Capricorn, very steady and measured. If Kai was born in the first day or two of December, he'd have a Sagittarius Mercury combined with a Sagittarius sun, which would make him even more firecrackerish, overwhelmingly enthusiastic and restless.
Venus is in Capricorn until the 21st, then moves into Aquarius. Either way, he won't be particularly affectionate, but rather aloof and cool. If Capricorn, it's a cautious aloofness, if Aquarius, a more maverick aloofness, but the difference may be hard to tell!
Mars, representative of physical energy and assertiveness, starts the month in Pisces, which is emotional, dreamy and sensual, but with a strong sex drive. On the 17th, Mars crosses into its home of Aries, which would be a much stronger influence: powerful physical energy, needing lots of exercise; also very competitive (an excellent bet in the races).
Unfortunately, as all the major planets move signs on different dates, it is very difficult to look at aspects formed between them, or clusters etc.