Excuse the delay, the network fell over again - it does that a lot (but I don't complain, cause I don't pay for the service. Hubby works for the company).
Ivor & Ruby - 8/8/1999
These two have their sun firmly in Leo, but no other planets in that sign. As the Sun is at home in Leo, it is still a forceful placement, usually resulting in a strong, self-centred and confident personality.
Unless the pups were born before three o'clock(ish) in the morning, Mercury and the Moon are in the adjacent sign of Cancer (the Moon's own domain) reducing the bossy Leonine qualities, and adding a lot of emotional content. Intuitive, subject to moodiness, with a tendency to react defensively. Ruby, same as Pearly above, would make a very good mother; Ivor may have enhanced feminine qualities because of the Cancer Moon's maternal leanings. The two dogs should be able to communicate telepathically, but how do you tell unless they beam their thoughts into your head too?
In the first couple of hours of the day, the Moon was still in Gemini with the resulting backchat - barking and growling as their initial response to new stimuli & situations.
Mars is in Scorpio, which is quite intense and passionate in inter-canine relationships; also causes jealousy and high physical energy. The genital area is vulnerable to inflammation and other problems. Mars is directly opposite Saturn, which causes the 'hot and cold' mentioned in a previous reading. Saturn sits in Taurus with Jupiter, so the two dogs might gain weight a bit easily! It could cause a bit of grumpiness, too.
Like most of the dogs here, they have the generational planets Neptune and Uranus in Aquarius; in Ruby's and Ivor's chart this is significant because Uranus is directly opposite their Sun, causing stubborn and difficult behaviour, periods of tension and possibly odd sexual behaviour! Does either of them have a preference for his/her own sex? Also, Neptune is opposed to their Mercury, with the resulting sly and cunning behaviour!
And now, a word (or two) about the differences between the two of them - for one thing, male and female react differently with and to the various signs, which will modify the qualities. The biggest factor, though, is one I have had to leave out of all the readings: the Ascendant or Rising Sign, which is usually held to represent either how we appear to others, or to signify our true self (notice how these two are pretty much opposite...) The Ascendant changes every two hours. The chart is also divided into 12 houses which therefore also change every two hours (unless you use the Placidus house system, in which case some houses come and go faster than others... but that is convoluted business for advanced astro-geeks). I have in the past done charts for two litter mate dogs whose exact time of birth was known, and although there was only half an hour between them, this did make a difference to all their house placements. However, even if I were any good at reading houses (which I'm not (yet)), and even if you knew the exact times of birth of your dogs, that level of chart reading would take us well beyond the scope of this forum!
As you say, the split personality is the most typical feature of the Gemini (as I know only too well, having married my very own Dr Jekyll & Mr Hyde. Non-Aquarians: don't try that at home...) Fortunately, Oscar has only his Sun in Gemini. Any more than that can lead to madness. Gemini like to have several things on the go at the same time - in a dog, I imagine that it means that he'd be a lousy racer, stopping halfway around the track to read the newspaper, or scratch an itch...
However, Oscar's Mercury is in Taurus, which stabilises the Gemini restlessness and slows him down a bit. He would have been quite easy to train.
He has his Venus in Cancer, and possibly the Moon too (unless born in the evening), which would make him very loving and affectionate, but also - as above - intuitive, moody, defensive, generally 'crabby'. If he was born in the last three or four hours of the day, the Moon had moved into Leo, with a more confident and bossy type of response; he would take charge and take over when faced with new situations or stimuli.
Mars is in Virgo, with the restlessness and nervous tension that implies, as well as the propensity for nervous stomach upsets and skin allergies.
Jupiter joins Neptune and Uranus in the sign of Aquarius, so there is an added element of eccentricity. According to my big book, he would be impartial and tolerant, too, although I'm not quite sure how that manifests in a dog! He'll definitely be a very sociable chap, likeable dog. His Saturn is in Aries, which is an odd placement that pretty much cancels itself out!
There are no strong aspects in the chart, and the placements are reasonably spread out around the chart. I would adopt this dog unseen... he's got to be delightful.
Petra - 6/9/1998
Virgo and Gemini are both ruled by Mercury, so they go quite well together. Although Virgo is the sign of restlessness, shyness, edginess and a tendency to nervous tension, Petra has only her Sun placed there, with Mercury, Venus and Mars in the more confident and 'sunny' sign of Leo.
Mercury and Venus are in conjunction; altogether Petra may well have stronger Leo qualities than Virgo ones, a lively confident animal with a definite tendency to be bossy. She will be friendly, 'understanding' and loving to her people and possibly to Oscar too; also faithful, loyal, and exuberantly affectionate. Mars in Leo means high energy, a love of life and a quick temper. Her vulnerable area is her heart (but don't panic - it just means that she needs proper diet and exercise to prevent problems).
Petra is the oldest dog I've charted here, and the only one who has not got Neptune in Aquarius. However, she does have Uranus there, exactly opposite her Mars, which indicates nervous strain and tension, and a tendency to be argumentative. It also gives her a very strong desire to win, so another one who should have done well in the races!
Her Moon is in Pisces, making her respond very emotionally to all situations. There might be some sneakiness... Adverse reactions to medication are also likely. Depending on the exact time of birth, there is also a fair chance that the Moon was in opposition to her Sun, which would cause a major inner tension, discontent, restlessness, mood changes.
Out of the two dogs, she would be the more difficult one, but still hardly a 'problem dog'. She'll be the boss of the two of them, which might cause an amicable kind of conflict if he has the Leo Moon rather than the more likely Cancer one.
Right, as far as I can see that should complete the 'paid for' readings. Going to take a break from charts till after Open Studios now; I'll be in my studio messing about with woodcuts and printing inks for a while.
Please let me know if I left out anyone who has already promised a brick, though!
Thanks for the readings, very interesting! (cheque is on its way)
Sounds like Florence cos she does love her comforts, but the freedom bit 'jumping over fences' now way. (Far to much effort and she wouldn't leave her mum). Abbey can be jealous if she wants cuddles (more so if its Florence getting the cuddles), aches and pains.........poor soul just read the 'Ouch' thread! (She is blind in one eye and is a pretty nervous lady)
Dexter and Kai's made me laugh! Yup Dexter is just how you described, training classes were battle (to many fluffy bunnies in his head!) He is a very vocal dog, but not in an aggressive way. Very affectionate but infuriating too! Kai has only been with for a month, boisterous when he's excited is just him, so is the easy to train bit.
very interesting and thank you for dave and daisy's readngs.
you've got dave ! he is an ex-racer and was very successful - he won quite a few times. he is also very affectionate in a quiet way, just standing still in front of me indicates that he wants a stroke! this distance also shows itself in the way he coolly observes new people before going to them - another trait you had identified.
as for daisy, yep she is scatty and she only had one race before fracturing a leg and being retired so she would certainly lose against dave. and, yes, accident prone - hence the de-gloving of her back leg last month. she did that racing round the lounge !
again, thank you very much and my cheque went off to dave for two bricks this morning.
Hi, wow that was very interesting. Yes it is true that Janie is a very easily hurt dog emotionally and physically. The alpha dog in the home is pretty close too, as after we sadly lost her best buddy Jim she will not tolerate another dog in her house, they can come visit but not stay. The cunning and tendancy to scheme, well thats a bit beyond my wee one as she is a very simple wee soul who is spooked easily and gets scared with noises. She just adores her cuddles. The only time she barks is if she is having to stand still for more than 10 seconds, (she doesn't do standing).
It was very interesting and like I said the easily hurt and and alpha dog thing is pretty close to the mark.
Thank you very much for taking the time to do this.
Thanks for the reading Kirsten! Some things ring true, but a lot of Petra's reading seems to apply more to Oscar - argumentative and emotional! She is quite bossy and sneaky though. So that was right. I'd say out of the two, Oscar is a far more difficult dog than her in terms of his nerviness-but he is delightful as well, as you say! A real puzzle.
Sorry for the delay in buying bricks Dave, been off-line and had horrid problems with Paypal just now, as it keeps throwing me out when I try to make a payment
So I'll send a cheque, should be with you middle of next week.
Thanks for Ivor & Ruby's readings, VERY interesting..
strong, self-centred and confident - you bet!
very emotional and subject to moodiness - YES!!
Ruby making a very good mother - on first thoughts I'd have said this was wrong cos everytime we have foster pups she tries to eat them, but that said looking a bit more into her actions they are the reactions of a very emotional and moody mum!
Ivor's enhanced feminine qualities?...hmm...sorry for not being PC but I've met a few greyhound who were defo 'gay', wouldn't put Ivor in that class but he's certainly no Mr Macho Bloke.