For the llast few months we've noticed Pearly is leaving bits of her breakfast and now her dinner. She gets fed Autarky and has been on this for a couple of years now. She'll gobble it down with some tuna or sardines mixed in but is leaving quite a bit otherwise - she picks away at it but never scoffs it down..
Now I could do two three things:
- try a different dog food ( is it good to keep your dog on the same food year on year?) - keep mixing things in with it so that she eats it - tell her to stop being a fussy wee madam and simply take away what she leaves and let hunger take its course. I'm wondering if mixing other tastier foods has been the problem and she now wants that stuff all the time.
we had a similar situation with dave and daisy about six months after we got them. we were giving them breakfast and dinner, often mixing tasty stuff in with the dinner meal.
initially they ate up nicely but after a while i ended up throwing most of it away, time and time again.
now, we just leave a handful of their complete food in each bowl for their breakfast. more often than not, daisy doesn't bother eating it at all and dave will graze on it over the day. however, we have found that, by dinner time, they are ready for dinner and eat it all straight away. the only thing we add to their complete food is some rice and some cooked minced meat (proper pet mince, not best beef!!) to add a bit of flavour.
it could be that Pearly doesn't need as much food as she once did, tho i don't know why that would be. perhaps try cutting out, or reducing, the breakfast meal.
i can't see that it's a problem to keep the dogs on the same food all the time, as long as it agrees with them.
Afraid I'm hard hearted too!!! Tilly tries it on sometimes and is reluctant to eat just dry food on it's own but will scoff the food if it has sardines etc in it. I put her food down after her morning walk and if she hasn't eaten it within about fifteen minutes then it gets chucked in the bin - she soon got the message as she ended up starving late morning and realises it was a long time till dinner. I do the same with her dinner and most days she licks the bowl clean.
It's probably worth giving this a go with Pearly before changing her food. Do you feed her and Harry in the same room?
I dont see the problem with changing the food everynow and again if it agrees with them. Sometimes my lot get bored of the same food afer a few months (as we would too) and i try something different for a few months again and then maybe even change it back. At the moment i have them on the Burgess Supa dog after someone advised it on here and they love it and have nice firm poo's.
You could try taking her food away if she doesnt eat it after a while as suggested but im not surprised they get bored eating the same food day in day out. We like a varied diet so why wouldnt they? IMO
"Adopting just one Greyhound won't change the world, but the world will surely change
for that one Greyhound."
Aye - she's just trying it on as a thought - we just had a roast chicken and we left some scraps for Harry and Pearly to eat up from one bowl. Mild mannered Pearly shoved big Harry out of the way and tried to hoover it up before he got a look in.
She can just go hungry in future - Autarky seemed to be pretty good stuff and its cheapish so the wee minx can forget the sardines on every meal!
Suzie is quite often fussy about breakfast. She always gets fish mixed in to her dinner because of her arthritis, but even that makes no difference to breakfast. So - I give her her breakfast dry, and what she doesn't eat is put aside and then topped up with more kibble plus something tasty for dinner. That way - if she doesn't eat breakfast it's not wasted!
Skipper has now started being a bit fussy about his breakfast - so I do the same with him and by dinner he is usually hungry enough to eat it all up.
Sim (bless'im) eats everything without drawing breath, and given the opportunity would everyone else's too!