I had Casper out on his usual Monday morning walk in a field with his labrador friends and they were all off running through the trees and bushes beside the field. Casper came running back towards me and I thought he was spattered with mud, but on closer inspection I saw it was blood. I couldn't see where it was coming from at first but then saw the bloody foot prints on the grass. I lifted up his front right paw and the blood didn't just drip out, it poured out! I scooped up Aedan, got Casper on his lead and ran back to the car and took him straight to the vets. I tried to cover it with a towel and tie it tight round his leg, but it was off by the time I got to the vets and there was big pools of blood on his blanket. Panic stations!! A white dog, now completely red with blood - makes it look so much worse!!!
So anyway, he has a deep cut (probably from glass) on his foot (not on the pad but the inbetween bit under his toes) that had to be stitched, which meant and anaesthetic, antibiotics, an £80 excess to pay and he is now sporting a lovely blue bandaged foot. So we're back on thursday for bandage change and NO EXERCISE for at least 7 days or more!!!! The nurse said that if he was going crazy with no walks that I could let him potter about in the garden, but I just laughed - there is no such thing as 'pottering about' when it comes to Casper
I am going to ask on Thursday when he goes to get his bandage changed how much Caspers vet bills have been altogether since I got him as he is seriously never away from the place! My poor boy
-- Edited by C_J at 09:21, 2006-05-09
"We make a living by what we get, we make a life by what we give."
How awful for you and Casper. It always looks worse than it is and don't suppose it helps him being white. Hope he's feeling better and his tootsie is well on the way to mending!
Tilly sends her love and licks to him. Take it you'll miss the walk on sunday now?
I'm afraid we won't make the walk on Sunday, I am really gutted as I've missed a few and was really looking forward to it. We'll be at the next one hopefully.
You're right Fiona, I don't really grudge the vet bills, I would pay it a hundred times over for my Casper, but I am just curious to see how much they are as petplan have paid out a lot and the Dogs Trust pays for everything to do with his left hind leg so it would be interesting to see how much he's cost.
"We make a living by what we get, we make a life by what we give."
Sorry to hear about Caspers accident hope he mends quickly, do not worry about the walk on Sunday lots more to come over the summer months sure you will all make one of them. Take care and big hugs to Casper Nora
poor casper, here's hoping he'll soon be mended - must be so sore for him, it's in a very awkward place.
(on a related note, i recently switched dave and daisy's insurance to marks & spencer because they have zero excess and the premiums were actually a few pence lower than direct line, who had the excess on my policies at £130 per dog)
Poor Casper - hope his paw is better soon! Sounds as if he looked like something from a horror movie! Glass is a real nuisance on the paths and on the grass - what a pity it is that the people who break the glass are never the ones injured by it.
How terrifying. It must be something in the air what with Millie on the Friday and poor Casper now too. It's never easy to keep an active dog quiet while the injury gets a chance to heal. Poor Casper probably doesn't understand why he's not allowed to gallop about like a dafty either!
It's a disgrace that people leave rubbish lying about where animals and people can get injured by it. It's a pity that there isn't the same on the spot fines for these people that drop litter as there is for dog fouling!
What a dreadful, and frightening experience for you. I had a similar experience years ago with one of my cats: blood all over him and the kitchen from a foot wound.
A friend of mine's dog severed the tendons to his hind foot when he trod on something very sharp. He had to have a plaster and several weeks of inactivity - but he made a full recovery.
Poor Casper. Angus is also white and it does look like a complete masacre when he cuts himself. He did somehting similar to Casper a few years ago, he ended up splitting his web between is middle two toes.
Like you, i would be interested in just how much i've paid in vets bills over the 5 years that i've had Angus. I'm moving soon and told my vet that i would need to change practice, you could see his eyes filling with tears at the thought of losing his french chateu cos i wont be bringing in the dosh. lol