I was telling a chap at my work about Harry and Pearly's astrology charts and he wrote these haikus for them. What do you think? I was fair chuffed! He's captured them pretty well. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rufty-tufty Harry Enthusiastic yet sly Mischievous greyhound
Sensitive Pearly With her loveable nature Intelligent dog
Haikus are Japanese poems and usually have the syllable format 5, 7, 5. You should be able to read the full verse taking only one deep breath apparently
All very high brow and artistic, called me an old fashioned gal but I like a good limerick.
A single young greyhound called Harry Never thought for a minute he'd marry Then a beautiful Pearl Set his heart all a whirl That Harry well he didnae tarry
Well, your finger crossing worked Teresa! I found out today I have got a new job with the Dogs Trust, it's near my house and once I'm settled in I'm hoping I can foster!!!