Freddy is eating loads of grass at the moment. He's fighting with the rabbit for the tasty, green leaves in his run! Why do dogs do this?! If he's doing it a lot more than normal, is it something I should be concerned about?
Who's more foolish - the fool, or the one who follows him?
One of my dogs loves to eat grass, its does make her sick after though. I just let her do it as she must do it for a reason. It never seems to cause her any harm so i dont see a problem in it. It has been discussed before on other forums and i dont think anyone knows the real reason why they do it. I have asked my vet before and she didnt seem to know the answer, just said some dogs do it and some dont
"Adopting just one Greyhound won't change the world, but the world will surely change
for that one Greyhound."
Both our two do this. Sometimes they'll just grab a bit for a chomp when we're walking them, but sometimes they (more usually Pearly) will go and trawl the garden for bits of grass to eat. In the case of the latter, she usually has a gurgling tummy and we pretty much know that she's going to be sick.
Both my boys eat grass almost daily (a few nibbles) but they aren't sick with it though. I have no idea why they do it but they are animals so I guess they instinctively feel they need it.
Bonnie and Piper both eat couch grass - I've never seen them eat the normal lawn grass. Piper has also had a munch on some of the grass-like pond plants. I recall reading somewhere that some grasses contain enzymes that help with dogs' digestive processes. Neither of the girls are usually sick after eating the grass.
Both of them are also very fond of guinea pig droppings - especially Piper spends ages hoovering up after the runs have been moved. Again, the piggy poos consist almost entirely of pre-digested grass; must be good for the dogs...
Oh, I just remembered something else from that bit I read about grass-eating and enzymes: although dogs are often sick after eating grass, it doesn't mean that the grass made them sick; they eat it because they already have an upset stomach. - Obviously, this is a vaguely remembered snippet from some unvalidated informations long ago, so don't take my word for it.
Anyanka wrote: Piper spends ages hoovering up after the runs have been moved. Again, the piggy poos consist almost entirely of pre-digested grass; must be good for the dogs...
What about nail cuttings?! Our little mongrel is very fond of eating finger and toe nail clippings. She will sit beside you whilst your cutting your nails and as they drop on the floor shes there gobbling them up! We had a manchester terrier cross years ago and she used to do it. Maybe they just learn from other dogs? As for the grass eating, all our dogs do it and they are hardly ever sick afterwards. In fact it seems to settle their tums. I dont think its anything to worry about
Neo only started doing this a few weeks ago, he had never shown any interest in eating it before. It has never made him sick and i just assumed he felt it was something he needed and let him get on with it. He has not had any change in diet or anything so not sure why but it doesn't seem to be doing him any harm.