Just thought I'd ask if anyone has any idea how to get an old stiff dog in the car? Normally Dan jumps into the back of the car no bother at all but once or twice he's struggled a bit, usually if he's been a walk and we're heading home. As he's almost ten I'm anticipating this being something we'll need to deal with more strategically. I've heard there is such a thing as a ramp for dogs but don't know anything about it. Any ideas?
Otherwise he's doing great, doesn't show his age at all. I'll need to take some photos soon, hopefully I'll get the upside-down on the couch pose.
Hiya, not sure about the ramp, but with my old girl "Stella" when she became stiff, i gave her "green lipped muscle" tablets. available online and in some herbalist shops. I found this really helped her stiff joints. Made her a lot more active than she had been pre tablets.
"Adopting just one Greyhound won't change the world, but the world will surely change
for that one Greyhound."
My sister made a DIY version of a ramp to help her two elderly beagles get into the back of her 4x4. She used the side of a wardrobe (she was throwing it out anyway) and she staple gunned carpet squares onto it so that muddy paws wouldn't slip on the wood. It's very useful as the two dogs are unable to jump into the car on their own now.
That is quite expensive. Looks like I'll have to get my thinking cap on and create something. My car isn't even that high though, maybe Dan's just trying it on!
Just recently I had the same with Whoopie who is 10, I have never had a problem getting her into the back of the car, a few weeks ago she just refused, nothing was going to move her, so me being me lifted her into the back, when she screamed out I knew something was wrong. she had never done this before and since being on tablets she hasn't done it since .
After all that I suppose I am saying make sure Dan hasn't hurt himself.
Thanks for that, I'll keep an eye on him. He was fine tonight getting in and out of the car, maybe it's something he's just not used to, either that or when he's tired he maybe struggles a bit more. I'm probably just being an anxious mum!!!
Hi - Dan sounds similar to our Suzie who will be 11 later this year. Sometimes she will spring into the car of her own accord, but often she makes it clear that she doesn't want to.
I do have a ramp, which I bought when she had her leg pinned to repair a torn achilles tendon, but for general use it is a bit of a hassle loading it in the car etc. I can lift her - one arm under her chest and one arm under her tummy - but even at a meagre 26kgs I worry about my back, so usually I lift her front legs up to the boot of the car and then kind of scoop her rear in with one arm under her tummy and one arm under her bum. I have to do it reasonably quickly before she reverses her front end out - contrary old gal.
Whichever method you use - remember to bend your knees so that your legs do the lifting and not your back!