Since George & Maia came to live with us last October they have developed a lot more dark speckles through their white coats. Recently we have noticed more dark patches (like giant freckles) appearing on their skin. George has always had a very bald pink belly and in the last week has developed dark spots. It is almost as if they are coming out in the sun like human freckles.
Is this normal? if so, why at three and a half years of age would they suddenly develop?
PS - 63 minutes into the first World Cup match and George and Maia are already fed up with us disturbing them by yelling at the television!!
Both Freddy & Wilma had no spots on them when we got them. Wilma was pure white - she now looks like a dalmation! I personally think it's when a dog starts to feel really settled that their spots come out - certainly it's a theory that works for my two!
Maybe someone else will have a more "medical" reason!
Who's more foolish - the fool, or the one who follows him?
interesting....Maisies chest was pink up until about a month ago & she too is now getting loads of giant freckles or 'coo' patches as I like to call them showing under her white fur....I like it! its taken 11mths for them to show up...
They say owners look like their dogs...Im still waiting to morph into a super fit, lean machine with legs up to my armpits...
this thread made me look more objectively at daisy and i, too, realised that she had developed more dalmation spots than she originally had when she came to live with us - she is black and white. dave, who is blue and white, doesn't seem to have grown many more freckles so i wonder if it's something to do with the colour?
I've seen this occasionally in a few dogs we've rehomed, don't really have an explanation just know it happens! My Ivor is very slowly getting some fawn spots through his white coat and Fynn (Esther's dog) used to be pure white, he's like a dalmation now. It seems to happen in dogs with white or white through their coats...
Abbey too was pure white & black when we got, now she's a dalmation like Wilma! Me thinks its could be because she had a thick kennel coat thats really thinned oot noo to bald in some places. So her skin is more exposed and gets freckles? (Like me in summer!)
That's weird, we were just questioning if Dan has got spottier or if we hadn't noticed all the spots before. I think he has definately developed more freckles throughout his coat since he arrived.
Tilly, as those of you who have met her will know, is covered in white specks, making her look like a dalmation in reverse! They stand out even more now that she has shed her "kennel coat" and gone blacker.
(Incidentally, Tilly isn't too impressed with the World Cup either, and absolutely hates rugby too as we both end up screaming at the telly, disturbing her beauty sleep - like she needs it!)
Sunny has got alot more spotty since we got her, Dave noticed it when he met her a few weeks ago. I had thought she getting a few more but thought I was imagining it.
Two little kids in the park asked me if Sunny was a Dalmation. At the time I was a little bit miffed but I can see their point now.
Landess and Spotty
Greyhounds are like chocolates, one is just never enough.
Sim is fawn and white, aged four next birthday. We adopted him 19 months ago and in the last 6 months more spots have shown up in his coat on the back of his neck particularly - really pretty, but the spots on his skin - visible on his belly and legs - always become more obvious in sunny weather - just like our freckles!
This is Spooky!! Over the last few weeks the white/pale bits on Vernon have taken on a patchy darker colour too. I thought he'd got dusty dirt in his coat and gave him a bath but its the skin under the coat going darker. Weird that so many have had this happen.
Chad had no spots but after a particularly vigorous run he assumed the roach position. I was horrified to see spots all over his legs and tum.... but they washed off, they were little mud spots!
He is certainly in line for freckles because he drags the cushion out of his bed into the garden when it is hot! If he were human he would be a blond suntanned life guard!lol Em, Tig and Chad xx