Has anyone else noticed that their dogs are more reluctant to eat during this hot weather?
Tilly normally wolfs her food down but, unless we start putting nice things like sardines on it (which we do once a week) she has become reluctant to eat it (although her appetite for other things like pigs ears, etc, is as good as ever.).
We wondered if it is because the food is dry (although we often soak it in water first). Does anyone have any tips on ways of encouraging their dogs to eat during hot weather?
Has anyone else noticed that their dogs are more reluctant to eat during this hot weather?
Nope lol, mine are still wolfing their food down as normal. I have heard though that the weather puts some dogs off eating. I suppose its like people, some folk dont feel as hungry when its hot (this rule doesnt apply to me though haha) I eat whatever the weather
"Adopting just one Greyhound won't change the world, but the world will surely change
for that one Greyhound."
Pearly has been off her breakfast for the past week, and Harry decided this morning that he doesn't want any either - and this is very, very unusual for him as he's normally a right gutbucket. They're both eating their dinner more or less as normal.
Mind you, little madam left quite a bit of her dinner the other day even though it had sardines on it but this was probably due to the fact that we were having a BBQ with loads of tasty goodies and she had her eye on better stuff than sardines....
Definitely noticed that Biscuit is a bit dodgy, and he eats like a horse, anything and everything. Sticking to light foods, white chicken, bit of scrambled egg etc. Trying to make sure fluid intake is up with bio yogourt, which he likes as it is cooling from the fridge. Outside in the garden we put ice cubes in his water bowl!!
We noticed that Dan is less eager to finish his food when the weather is hot, and (shock horror) even Sally has left one or two bits of food on really hot days (although it doesn't lie long before she comes back to finish it off, Dan's too if she gets the chance). I was a bit worried at first but came to the conclusion that it must just be the heat, otherwise he's fine. Either that or he just can't be bothered standing up long enough to eat it all!
Tiger and Chad are a bit off their food too (they pick at it and it takes hours for it to be finished) They are hot and panting too and thats with their own fan on in the room.
They got so hot the other evening and Chad dragged his bed out into the utility room, where it was cool!