I know I'm probably flogging a dead horse here, but people's prejudices never cease to amaze me... Tonight on my walk I encountered a woman with a small lab-cross mongrel, who looked me up and down and said "now what kind of dogs are those? They're big lads." I told her my dogs were both Greyhounds, at which she looked shocked. Granted, there was a compliment in her response of "I never thought such beautiful dogs as these would be Greyhounds", but (and I'm overlooking here the fact that she called both dogs "lads") why can't a Greyhound be beautiful?!
Think I'm just high after someone curling a lip at me yesterday when I had just one dog out, and I was emotionally distraught after Billy was taken in for an emergency op, which ended up taking all day to get done. But my point still remains! Greyhounds ARE beautiful, darn it!
I couldn't agree more! I especially think black ones like your picture are gorgeous! Their coats positively glow with health!
I've had mine called 'skinny ugly things' and people have run away (usually when mine are muzzled!) Why? they are such beasts they can tear a muzzle off and savage everything in their path....Seriously I wonder what is wrong with people to make them think that they will get hurt by a dog in a muzzle!
GREYHOUNDS ARE NO1 and beautiful and loving and delightful and friendly and soppy and funny and wonderful and need I go on. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :greyhounds are greyt and thats official. Sorry just got carried away. Nora
A girl I work with had told me that she'd never clapped a greyhound before. I invited her round and she duly spent half an hour cuddling our two. Her opinion was they were about the nicest dogs she'd ever seen! When she went home and told her partner, he said that he was dead jealous cos he thinks greyhounds are cool! If I can persuade her to bring him round for a cuddle (that's of the dogs, not me!! ) then I can start work on the old "they make great pets" speech!!
Watch this space ................ !!
Who's more foolish - the fool, or the one who follows him?
of course, we all know that greyhounds are THE most beautiful breed ever invented!!
mind you, i don't think i approach any breed of dog with a pre-conceived idea of what they might be like. surely, all dogs are individuals - even within a particular breed......one of the soppiest dogs i ever met was a rottweiler and look at the bad press they've had in their time!
there's just no educating some ignorant people, is there.
Drives you mad doesn't it. The worst we have had is when someone said Blue looked like a crocodile
On the other hand I have just met a wonderful elderly gent who, as soon as he saw Blue, said "what a wonderful dog. Is he one of the rescue ones" I replied yes and he started to say with real passion and eyes filling up thank goodness for the people who rescue them and what a good person I was for doing so. I got rather embarrassed and told him we are the lucky ones for having him which is truly how I feel.
He stated if he were to get another dog it would be a grey but would have to think long and hard as it's not somthing to enter into if you cant see it through. he went off home to write GALs details down straight away.
What a breath of fresh air it was talking to him. Wish I met more folk like him.
I often say Max looks like a crocodile when he is having one of his BIG BIG yawns!! The size his mouth can open to never ceases to amaze!!
I have always thought Greyhounds are attractive and beautiful and can understand why at one time only upper class members of society were allowed to own greys. They can just have such a posh snooty look when posing!!
I once had a stranger in our local park say to me "what beautiful dogs" - it was nice, just wish I could hear more people say it. But yes, for many people the experience of meeting at close range and petting them can really turn the light on!!
I get the "looks" all the time (rather Harley does ) because he is always muzzled - so I am used to it now, along with all the comments like "does that dog bite, when's his next race etc etc ) . Someone told me he looks like a seal and also a reindeer once
When I first got Harley he was barking at a small dog accross the road (he was muzzled and on the lead as always) and a couple walked past us and the woman said "what a bully that dog is - I hope he meets a much bigger dog round the corner to sort him out"!!!
I was so angry and upset with her - couldn't believe her ignorance and rudeness - people just see a dog and make and assumption about them sometimes.
Odd how varied responses can be. I guess greys are just rather different from other breeds. If you look at art though, greyhounds have probably been painted more than any other dog. Here's a piece of artwork from the album 'Lookaftering' by Vashti Bunyan, done by her daughter:
Lots of people comment on how beautiful Piper is, but when we first got her she looked way too square across the back to me! I loved the brindle, but not her shape; got her because she was sweet. Now I only see her beauty and gentleness.
For the longest time I had no interest in greyhounds because my mother used to always comment how they looked starved and shivery, and their eyes were too bulgy - you know how you take on board your parents' opinions when you are young! I wish she could see our gorgeous girl now...
It's sad to hear that such negative attitudes exist. We've had nothing but positive comments from people about Dan and Sally, so many people stop us in the street or park when we're out with them just to say how lovely they are and on two occasions folk have leaned out of cars to ask us about them. We took them to a barbecue at a friends house on saturday and there were a few people who said they's never seen greyhounds close up and were surprised how soft they were to touch! Its amazing isn't it, I don't quite know what they expected!
I've been very lucky. I've not really come across too many negative people in Dunoon. I do get the odd question about their natures and whatnot but that's about all. I have, however, found a lot of people who seemed genuinely surprised over how gentle and loving they are. Tigger has been a great ambassador for Greyhounds because she just loves everyone and is more than happy to be friends. As Jax mentioned, these people always seem surprised at how soft they are both to touch and in nature.
Ive not had too many bad comments about rosie, but the other day i was sitting on the grass whilst rosie was sniffing around when a couple on the other side of the canal stopped walking and stared at her. However i think they were more interested in the fact that she was wearing a muzzle than acknowledging the beauty of the greyhound. and another occasion was again in the same park when we came across a woman with her german shepherd and as soon as she saw rosie's muzzle she put her dog on the lead and said to me 'we'll get out of your way'. I would much rather that people actually came up to me and asked politely why she was wearing a muzzle.I would be more than happy to tell them she is not aggresive, its just to protect the cat and pigeon population!
The first year I had Sandy, I kept his muzzle on when I took him to the Mid Argyll Show. I had to keep explaining to worried-looking people that he wasn't a fighter, he was a thief who stole food & toys from small children. Well, if someone waves a teddy or a sweetie at his head height, what's a boy supposed to do................?
Despite all the publicity, it seems that some people just have such set opinions about greyhounds.
But when we took Belle to the vet's once we got a different reaction. The vet was turned away as we walked through the door and when she turned back and saw Belle she gasped and said "Oh! Hello beautiful!".
Now that's the kind of reaction any intelligent person should have.
Christine, it does indeed capture the greyhound elegance - but I think it also manages to show the gentleness of the dog. I think it's the eye that conveys that most. Not easy to do that so well!
The artwork is from the inside of the album cover, so I didn't even know I'd find a greyhound when I bought the CD - the front features a hare!