What's the most blatant bit of theft your greyhounds have ever attempted?
I went to Oban one Saturday for a Big Shop, got many bags full of shopping, plus £20 worth of meat from the butchers. Got back, put Sandy & the first bags in the house. This included the meat, so I put it on the worktop, right at the back. Went out to get the next lot of bags, and came back to find the butcher meat missing. And there was Sandy, in the hall, dragging the bag of meat into his den...........
He knew he had done wrong too, he looked so guilty as he let go and trotted off with his tail between his legs. Problem is, it's so hard to tell off a dog when you are wetting yourself laughing!
the only bit of stealing dave has tried was my sandwich. i'd come home at lunch time to let them out and generally treat them to the usual tlc......my sarnie was on plate on arm of chair while i opened back door.... this activity usually takes no more than 10 seconds.... i look round to find dave dragging my cheese sandwich across the lounge floor !!!!!!!!
no time for lunch as i had to get back to work - "dogs can help slimming as part of a calorie-controlled diet". i guess "no lunch" equals a carlorie controlled diet !!
I had a stomach bug about 6mths ago and had been sick all night. I had a rich tea biscuit next to me but couldn't face eating it. Blue came over for a lean and ear scratch I thought how lovely he obviously knew I needed cheering up. No he obviously knew I was an easy target and very gently took the biscuit in his front teeth then slowly reversed back to his bed before scoffing it!
Oh and there was a time he pinched a whole frozen trout that was defrosting in the sink and ran around the back garden with it - greyhound heaven trout ice lolly
On Saturday night I was seeing a friend away at about 12.30am. I'd left a pancake smothered with home made bramble jelly on a plate in the conservatory where my friend and I had been having a few sherberts! I was trying to get Amber to come outside to do her last wee of the night - but she didn't respond. When I went back in the house she was plastered to the floor like a rug, looking very guilty. She had bramble jelly on her lips - so it didn't take a genius to figure out where the last pancake had gone.
Neo has not really been to bad at the stealing thing but now that he has well and truly settled in he is getting a bit braver!! Yesterday my ten year old was sitting on the couch and was just about to have his first bite of a biscuit when my baby son dropped his favourite toy, Ryan, trying to be helpful bent down to pick the toy up with one hand and Neo promptly stole the biscuit out of the other!!
It's the way they try to sneak back to bed with it without you noticing them - sorry guys but your a bit too big and get spotted every time.
On Saturday I was enjoying a nice cake and as I put it to my mouth Vernon leaned in and grabbed a big chunk of it! He would eat the food from my own mouth! Nae respect! Everyone else thought it was hilarious.
When we first fostered Skipper, and were using an indoor kennel for him, he took everything he stole from the kitchen counters into his bed in the kennel - including a frozen M&S risotto
Fortunately it was just out the freezer, and he hadn't punctured the packaging, so I had it for my tea anyway
When we first got Missy she managed within split seconds to pinch a freshly cooked pork joint and has twice pinched my hubby's packed lunch sandwiches. Recently Zak pinched a pizza carton full of a six inch garlic pizza bread..... needless to say he was a bit wiffy by morning !!!! Never turn your back ! it only takes a split second to lose your breakfast, lunch or dinner !!!! You would of thought by now I would be more savvy but they are such cheeky chancers and of course look SO innocent !!!
Rosie is a terrible thief! She has stolen several apples from the fruit bowl, has eaten about 6 pairs of mums ear plugs, eaten raw potatoes and a bit of an onion and a few days ago she stole a whole melon from the kitchen! That definetly helped her digestive system!!
She also managed to lick round the side of a pot noodle that my brother, Sam, was about to eat! He wasnt very pleased!!
We've decided that we cannot have tiger bread in the house at all, must be the smell, Dan and Sally both go nuts. Yesterday they managed to get the bread bin down from the worktop, get the bread out and devour almost an entire loaf while we were out. Saying that though Sally will eat almost anything and is blatant about it. She dragged a bin bag through to the living room last week and proceeded to empty it's contents on to the floor in front of Michael. No shame at all! At least Dan tries to be sneaky about it, she just goes for it. Oh aye, she also had her tongue in my cup of tea the other day, thankfully it wasn't hot enough to burn her but knowing where that tongue has been I opted to make a fresh cuppa!
Where do I start? Bonnie doesn't steal much anymore. The terrible guilt was too much for her. My favourite incident was when Martin asked me indignantly why I had left the tub of margarine on the sofa. It was strangely hollowed out and covered in black hair...
Piper is a totally guilt-free thief - presumably she learnt in her 2 1/2 years in the kennels that whatever edibles were put within her reach were hers to keep.
Sat down to lunch with two pieces of toast, one with tuna mayonnaise, one with pate. Got up to get myself a drink, still munching away on the pate toast. Sat back down, finished that piece of bread - scratched my head, 'must have eaten the other already'. No evidence of theft, dog in same place as before, plate clean...
Three savoury eggs, munched straight from the packet while we were unpacking the shopping. - She also found the bag of pigs ears and carried it off, which seems fair enough, except she tried to eat them without removing the plastic bag!
Rhianna puts down her school bag for a moment, before heading off in the morning. Piper reaches in and very neatly eats half of a ham sandwich straight out of its plastic bag.
And yesterday she started picking raspberries straight from the bush...
The funniest thefts are non-food related, though. A few weeks ago, Rhianna was again on her way to school, put her bag down in the livingroom and ran upstairs for a last loo stop before leaving. Piper picked up the school bag, carried it up the stairs and neatly put it down in Rhianna's bedroom. She obviously didn't want her to go!
On the other hand, Kyra was out the other day when Piper went into her room, picked up her handbag, and carried it out onto the landing, leaving it neatly at the top of the stairs. Looks like she's encouraging no 1 daughter to move out!
Bet I’m the only one on the WHOLE forum with a lurcher who doesn’t steal !
Oh yes! Bread, biccies, roast pork, beef, chicken can be left on the work surface and all are still there when I come home from work. Not a thing will he touch.
And his name is --- “ WOODY the WONDER DOG ”
Ha ha ! You all think I’m kidding, don’t you ? Well ----- I’m NOT .
My in laws had a retired guide dog who knew that if she ate anything she shouldn't people would know but with her previous owners being blind she had worked out she could get away with just having a lick of things and no one could tell.
When she came to live with Phil's folks we caught her licking chocolates etc goodness knows how much dog spit her old owners must have consumed over the 6 years of having her!
Julie were Woody's previous owners blind? Is the food strangly damp when you come back?
Ours only steal from the bin, and shopping bags, which isn't too bad to deal with.
However Ruby's oddest theft was when she made off with a head of broccoli while the shopping was being unloaded one day. The first we knew about it was the mess of shredded brocolli in her bed!
Smug, smug, smug, smug ! Bet I’m the only one on the WHOLE forum with a lurcher who doesn’t steal ! Oh yes! Bread, biccies, roast pork, beef, chicken can be left on the work surface and all are still there when I come home from work. Not a thing will he touch. And his name is --- “ WOODY the WONDER DOG ” Ha ha ! You all think I’m kidding, don’t you ? Well ----- I’m NOT . “Naa, naa, na na, naa” Are you jealous yet? Julie
I think we must have the only grey that doesn't steal!! Wilma's not taken a thing - Freddy is a different matter, but Wilma is a good girl!! Actually I think she's too "blonde" to work out how to steal things!!
Who's more foolish - the fool, or the one who follows him?
Mine all steal. Wills has stolen a big chunk of cheese off a worksurface, a lump of butter, again off the worksurface and has even gone so far as to drink vegetable oil that had been used to cook chips. As you can imagine, most of these went straight through him and the mess was not particularly pleasant. His coat was beautiful though!
Millie is not against pluffing the odd goodie when she gets the chance! I must say that she is the best of the bunch.
Tigger is hopeless. She cannot keep her head out of the bin. We frequently hear the rustle of the bin bag and find debris around the house from her forays. We even found her with her feet on the worksurface, licking the oven tray because it had been used to cook sausage. By far her best though (and she has done this on a number of occasions) is stealing the filling out of Graeme's sandwiches right in front of him. She's very brazen about it. One of her best was when Graeme was sitting holding his toast and she walked in the living room door and, with no hesitation whatsoever, took a big bite and kept walking - never even broke her stride!
I've just remembered another one. Not long after Himself arrived, I had put a lovely glass of chilled Cava on the magazine rack, left the room and came back to find Sandy had his tongue in it and was busy lapping away. Cue shriek, "NOT FOR DOGS!!!!!!!!!!!!!" and a disappointed Sandy slinking off.
A few weeks later I had another lovely glass of chilled Cava and thought I'd make sure that I got to keep it all to myself. So I didn't put it down, I kept it in my hand while I watched TV. Heard a splashing sound, and looked round to find............... Yup, Sandy with his tongue in the glass AGAIN.
When Cas first came to live with us food was her GOD, she had spent a part of her life as a stray. Her worse or one of them was when she raided the fridge, nothing escaped her mushrooms, butter, fish you name it she ate it this happened twice until we put a child lock on the fridge door.Then there was the time I was cooking a nice couple of pieces of sirloin steak , when someone came to the back door in all of ten seconds Cas had wiped them out of the pan and devoured them both, enough to say that Derek and I had fish fingers for tea that evening. LOL I can laugh now but not at the time. I glad to say she has improved and waits to be given anything apart from the odd easter egg or chocolate bar. What a chancer. Nora
Tara surprisingly given she can reach things easily has stolen little in the way of food, there have been a few incidents though. She does like her alcohol (a bit like her mum). When we first got her at 10 weeks old we had a few people round to meet our new puppy, we were all sat in the sun room and I was sat on the floor with Tara next to me. I put my wine glass down and she leapt over my legs and stuck her tongue strait into the glass, much to everyone's amusement. About a week later she knocked Graham's whisky (single malt) off the table with her tail. She turned to see what the noise was and proceeded to suck the spillage out of the carpet.
If she is going to steel food she can be very cleaver about it. When we were last at Grahams parents for dinner it was hot so we had all the doors open and were letting Tara play in the garden. After dinner she was in the kitchen trying to steal the beef trays out of the bin so we cleared the surfaces and emptied the bin. The next thing was Tara brining the ceramic bowl of lard through to eat in the living room. We took it off her and closed the kitchen door. The next thing was a loud bang from the kitchen, Tara had figured her way round to the back door and into the kitchen that way and the bang was the lard bowl falling on the floor.
OK so let's hear what the strangest thing is your dog has eaten (sorry Jackie to high jack your post!)
Blue has eaten plastic farm yard animals and a load of salt dough masterpieces created by my children that were heavily coated in paint - he was rather thirsty when we got home no ill effects though thank goodness
Firstly, My two are not so bad really Chad does not like human stuff at all (I wish he would eat the odd naughty treat, but he just spits it out every time) with Tiger it's just the odd mug of tea or cake or biscuit left lying low enough to be spotted and stolen.He can drink tea hotter than I can bear it!
My first greyhound Rusty stole everything in sight he was a scavenger living on the streets before we got him so you could understand it really.He ate steaks once that my other half and I actually spent time looking for because we could not work out where they had gone to. My toddler kindly tidied the wrappers away and showed us saying 'doggy had!' Farleys rusks straight from the hand or the high chair were popular too, much to my sons annoyance.Once he ate a whole birthday cake while we were looking for matches to light the candles!It took seconds literally.
Charlie was equally naughty he ate every single easter egg one year while I was out at work. The kids were devastated (and so was I when it came out the other end all over my new carpet in the night!). We used to call him 'Bin Raiden' because no bin was safe. We kept the bin on the worktop in the end because broken soggy tea bags everywhere was just so disgusting to deal with!
Then you asked for strange foods well Tiger regularly eats .....bird poop! He seeks it out and licks it like it is some kind of delicacy! UCK!!!
Sandy once ate a whole packet of paper handkerchiefs. Those were lovely after they had worked their way through......
And he is very partial to the insides of stuffies, one time after he had pooped there was a big string of stuffie innards hanging from his bottom for muggins here to pull out. Thankfully he isn't as prone to this now, I think that having them taken away every time he ripped them open was too much for him to bear.
One of the best ones we had was when we fostered Meg, otherwise known as “The Muncher”, for reasons I’m sure you can work out.
On coming home one lunchtime and looking in the glass patio doors of the kitchen I felt sheer panic well up inside me as I struggled to get the key in the lock. THE PLACE WAS ON FIRE !! I could see my collies, through the haze of smoke, pacing the floor with great agitation --- no sign of Meg. My only thought, get the dogs out ! Slid open the door, dogs shot out without a backward glance, old Bob leading the way, saying “c’mon guys, we’re out a’ here!”. I roared for Meg on my flight through the kitchen.
Meg WAS a fawn lurcher but what slunk through from the bedroom was pure white, yes, pure white from head to toe!
Hold it! HOLD IT ! This isn’t smoke! Doesn’t smell like smoke! A strange sweetness in my mouth that I recognised but couldn’t place and who is this strange white dog and why is all the furniture white?? Heart pounding as I ran through to the bedroom, sick at what I might see, to find myself in a jaw dropping wonderland of snowy white mounds and swirls and there, in the middle of what was my bed but now resembling Ben Lomond in winter -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- an empty 5kg bag of icing sugar !!!
Guys, just don't ask how I cleaned up the mess --- please.
terrific tales - this thread makes me laugh so much I almost wish that dave and daisy would steal food but they don't
of course, when they first came to live with us, they were very interested in all the new smells around them but they've now come to know that they don't eat our food - we can quite happily sit next to them on the sofa with our dinner on trays on our laps and they sleep thru the whole meal-time!!
the only thing daisy "steals" are shoes - she often ends up with about 4 pairs of shoes on her bed. she doesn't do anything with them, they just get "tidied up".
I think I can top all the funny stories so far............
Was enjoying my dinner one night - a very healthy one of rolls and sausage with fried egg. Had the dogs sat at my feet (which is rare, as for reasons that will become obvious later, I usually don't allow them in the same room when we are eating). Some of the sausage fell out of the roll I was eating so I split it and gave it to the 2 dogs! As I handed Freddy his bit, he took it and swallowed it whole and then promptly disappeared with the other full roll and sausage & egg. I only realised summat was up when I looked down to get the next one and realised it was gone and Freddy had legged it to his bed!! I was so shocked I couldn't even react and when I looked round the roll and it's contents were gone and Freddy was licking his lips!! It all happened so quickly that nothing fell out of the roll and Wilma was left looking as shocked and confused as I was!! Suffice to say, when I'm eating the dogs stay in their beds in the kitchen.
It was shocking at the time, but we did find it funny afterwards (a long time afterwards as I was really enjoying my dinner!!!!!!)