I should be able to come along on the Saturday. I will consult with madam (Amber) and see if her social calendar has an opening for her to come too! She was a bit of a money spinner last time. A lot of people thought she was a greyhound pup! So long as it brings in the cash I don't mind what they think she is!
The sun was out and lots of people, but probably fewer than last time we were at Asda can collection. We stayed three hours and probably have the equivalent of 1½ cans full - don't know how much yet as I haven't opened the cans.
Vegas and Dixie attracted lots of attention but it's a pity there were no greyhounds there. I'll make sure the cans/money get to Dave at the next GAL event!
PS The timing of this can collection was perfect! Most people commented on the Killing Fields for Greyhounds article in the papers last week and I think a lot of people donated money because of that!
Just to let you know that Linda and I managed to raise the sum of £101 in only two hours in the morning. As I had already arranged to go to the GAD at Bothwell this was the only time I could give. I would like to reiterate Christine's comment about the lack of a greyhound. Although Amber is very cute she is neither a GAL dog nor a greyhound. Lots more people getting behind these collections would be great. We have a laugh and meet lots of lovely people. If your not happy to extract money from folk, just bring your dog along and do the PR bit. Folk love to see the four legged friends and if you have a sob story to tell about your hound - well that is the icing on the cake.
By the way I'll supply home baking if I'm on a collection with you!
PS Meant to say that Beryl who works at Asda was an absolute star. Very kind and supportive.
thanks to everyone who took part and of course to Carol for organising everything.
It's a bit of a shame that we always struggle to get volunteers to go to our can collections, we started doing these in earnest a few years ago after I discovered that the larger English greyhound rescues make most of their income from holding 'flag days'. Fraid we've never been as successful just down to the lack of bodies (and dogs), we've actually had to cancel more can collections in the last 3 years than we've actually held and on some occasions the money paid by volunteers on the phone trying to get bodies to attend is actually more than what we raise on the day.
Anyways thanks again for everyone that took part today, there's a couple more collections scheduled in aid of the kennel fund, they are a few months away but I figure the more time you guys have to free your diaries the more chance we have of not cancelling them. If you can help on any of these days please email david@gal.org.uk (note: don't reply to this thread with your commitment to attend as it may be missed)
Sorry just caught up on this thread, congratulations to you all for the effort and a fair amount raised. P.S When we did the can collection outside Tesco Haddington and started to shake the tins we were told that this was against the law as it causes a nuisance ( so what ever you do don,t shake those cans) bah humbug to the goverment. Nora
Just to let you know I did the can collection at Tesco Colinton Mains today. Its a shame more people were unable to volunteer to help out at this one as it is a really busy store.
Anyway Me and Sunny and Zoe went along for 4 hours and had a great time, we met alot of great people and gave out loads of cards, both dogs lapped up the attention.
Oh yeah how much did we make...........£189.
Please think about volunteering to do a can collection. The time flew by and we had a great morning. Its a really easy way to help GAL and raise awareness at the same time.
Landess, Sunny and Zoe
Greyhounds are like chocolates, one is just never enough.
Well done Landess Zoe and Sunny. Would love to help with future can collections but are limited to weekends only. Phil quite enjoyed the one at Haddington so to repeat what Landess said give it ago it's a great way to raise money and you can talk about your dog for ages