Love the tongue, I think she looks as if she is dreaming of the horrible taste of her worming tablets.
When mine start their leg twitching, it looks as if they are dreaming about starring in Riverdance, although I admit that it is more likely that small furries are involved........
daisy tends to sleep with her eyes open - it looks really gross ! dave, tho, often twitches in his sleep - his legs look like they are running and he "chirrups" too - he looks so sweet, i love watching him !
Aaaw, so cute. She looks like she's dreaming of that tongue getting tucked into an ice-cream..
Neo's tongue hangs out the side of his mouth when he's asleep and a big wet patch appears on the dog bed. Not so sure about Sassy as she is only just emerging from under my bed, the back legs definately twitch but that,s about all i can see so far,
Great picture! Piper has no control over her tongue either; she'll lie down by the pond with tongue lolling - then gets up with dirt and bits of bark sticking to it!
Piper is the only dog I've ever lived with who frequently wags her tail in her sleep. It's lovely to know she has happy dreams.
Bonnie yips and chases dream-squirrels. On a few occasions when I've been up late, she has howled in her sleep, too - the most unearthly ghostly sound, which sends me straight to bed with covers over head! No idea what kind of nightmares would haunt a lurcher who has always had a loving home... perhaps The Revenge Of The Giant Squirrel?
Our two are completely different in their sleeping. Pearly twitches her legs and paws, wuffs, wags her tail and moves her lips whilst she's sleeping. The only thing Harry does is fart!